Гландит-а-Краэ стоял; to stand), hurling books on to a pyre he had erected in the middle of the chamber (швыряя книги в костер, /который/ развел в центре комнаты; pyre — погребальный костер; to erect — сооружать, возводить). His father watched in astonishment as Glandyth burned the books (его отец смотрел в изумлении, как Гландит сжигает книги). His father's lips moved and his eyes were questioning — almost polite surprise (губы отца шевелились, а глаза спрашивали = в глазах застыл вопрос — почти вежливое удивление). Glandyth turned and grinned at him (обернулся и ухмыльнулся ему), drawing his axe from his belt (вытаскивая топор из-за пояса). He raised the axe (он занес топор) …

Now Corum saw his mother (затем Корум увидел свою мать). Two Mabden held her while another heaved himself up and down on her naked body (двое мабденов держали ее, пока еще один = третий поднимался и опускался над ее обнаженным телом).

Corum tried to enter the scene, but something stopped him (Корум попытался проникнуть туда, но что-то остановило его; scene — место действия, события).

pyre [`paIq] polite [pq`laIt] heaved [hJvd] scene [sJn]

His father came into a room in which Glandyth-a-Krae stood, hurling books on to a pyre he had erected in the middle of the chamber. His father watched in astonishment as Glandyth burned the books. His father's lips moved and his eyes were questioning — almost polite surprise. Glandyth turned and grinned at him, drawing his axe from his belt. He raised the axe…

Now Corum saw his mother. Two Mabden held her while another heaved himself up and down on her naked body.

Corum tried to enter the scene, but something stopped him.

He saw his sisters and his cousin suffering the same fate as his mother (он видел своих сестер и кузину, разделивших участь его матери; to suffer — страдать, испытывать; fate — судьба; доля, жребий). Again his path to them was blocked by something invisible (снова его путь к ним был прегражден чем-то невидимым).

He struggled to get through (он пытался пробиться /к ним/; to struggle — бороться; стараться изо всех сил; to get through — пройти через что-либо), but now the Mabden were slitting the girls' throats (но теперь мабдены перерезали девушкам горло; to slit — разрезать в длину, вдоль). They quivered and died like slain fawns (они дрожали /в судорогах/ и умирали, словно прирезанные козочки; to quiver — дрожать, трястись; fawn — молодой олень; детеныш /зверя/).

Corum began to weep (Корум начал плакать).

He was still weeping, but he lay against a warm body (он по-прежнему плакал, но лежал /теперь/ рядом с /чьим-то/ теплым телом) and from somewhere in the distance came a soothing voice (и откуда-то издалека доносился утешающий голос).

cousin [kAzn] invisible [In`vIzqbl] quivered [`kwIvqd] fawn [fLn]

He saw his sisters and his cousin suffering the same fate as his mother. Again his path to them was blocked by something invisible.

He struggled to get through, but now the Mabden were slitting the girls' throats. They quivered and died like slain fawns.

Corum began to weep.

He was still weeping, but he lay against a warm body and from somewhere in the distance came a soothing voice.

His head was being stroked (его гладила по голове) and he was being rocked back and forth in a soft bed by the woman (и качала вперед-назад = убаюкивала в мягкой постели женщина) on whose breast he lay (на чьей груди он лежал).

For a moment he tried to free himself, but she held him tight (на миг он попытался высвободиться /из ее объятий/, но она держала его крепко).

He began to weep again, freely this time (он снова заплакал, легко = от облегчения на этот раз), great groans racking his body, until he slept again (сильные рыдания изнуряли его тело, пока он не уснул снова; groan — стон, тяжелый вздох; to rack — истощать, изнурять). And now the sleep was free from dreams (и теперь его сон был свободен от сновидений) …

He awoke feeling anxious (он проснулся, ощущая беспокойство; to awake; anxious — тревожный, беспокойный). He felt that he had slept for too long (он чувствовал, что проспал слишком долго), that he must be up and doing something (что он должен встать и сделать что-то = начать действовать). He half raised himself in the bed (он приподнялся: «наполовину поднял себя» в кровати) and then sank down again into the pillows (затем упал снова на подушки; to sink).

breast [brest] anxious [`xNkSqs]

His head was being stroked and he was being rocked back and forth in a soft bed by the woman on whose breast he lay.

For a moment he tried to free himself, but she held him tight.

He began to weep again, freely this time, great groans racking his body, until he slept again. And now the sleep was free from dreams…

He awoke feeling anxious. He felt that he had slept for too long, that he must be up and doing something. He half raised himself in the bed and then sank down again into the pillows.

It slowly came to him that he was much refreshed (медленно ему стало ясно, что его силы значительно восстановились; to refresh — восстанавливать силы; освежать/ся/, подкреплять/ся/). For the first time since he had set off on his quest (впервые после того, как он отправился на поиски), he felt full of energy and well-being (Корум почувствовал себя полным энергии и здоровья; well-being — здоровье, хорошее самочувствие; благополучие). Even the darkness in his mind seemed to have retreated (даже тьма в его душе, казалось, отступила).

So the Margravine had drugged him (итак, маркграфиня что-то подмешала ему в пищу), but now, it seemed, it had been a drug to make him sleep (лишь теперь, по-видимому = стало ясно, что это было снадобье, чтобы усыпить его; drug — медикамент, снадобье), to help him regain his strength (помочь ему восстановить силы).

But how many days had he slept (но сколько дней он проспал)?

He stirred again in the bed (он снова пошевелился в постели; to stir — шевелить/ся/, двигать/ся/; копошиться) and felt the soft warmth of another beside him, on his blind side (и ощутил мягкое тепло другого /тела/ возле себя, на своей слепой стороне = со стороны, где был незрячий глаз). He turned his head and there was Rhalina (он повернул голову — там была Ралина), her eyes closed, her sweet face at peace (ее глаза были закрыты, а привлекательное лицо — безмятежно: «в мире»; sweet — сладкий; приятный, очаровательный).

strength [streNT] warmth [wLmT] peace [pJs]

It slowly came to him that he was much refreshed. For the first time since he had set off on his quest, he felt full of energy and well-being. Even the darkness in his mind seemed to have retreated.

So the Margravine had drugged him, but now, it seemed, it had been a drug to make him sleep, to help him regain his strength.

But how many days had he slept?

He stirred again in the bed and felt the soft warmth of another beside him, on his blind side. He turned his

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