infant and child care, 190–91, 193
military technology, 142
Talheim pit burial, 134–35
war mortality, 139–40, 319
gift-giving, 61, 62, 65–67, 94
gluttony, 444, 445,
Goetz, Bernhard, 107
Goland, Carol, 304, 305–6
Goldman, Ron, 112
Goodale, Jane, 91, 216, 284
gossip, 274
Grady, Mark, 107–8
grandparents, 187, 188, 218, 236–37
Great Basin Shoshone Indians, 27
food storage, 309
Great Plains Indians, 151, 309
Greenland Inuit, 156, 381
Greenland Norse, 290, 308
Gretzky, Wayne, 270, 283
group affiliation, 16, 49–54, 75–76, 343
language and, 376, 407–8
religions as social groups, 329, 330, 331, 332, 343–44, 363, 368
territoriality and, 43, 45, 47, 50–51
Guarani language, 398
Gwembe Tonga farmers, 314
Hadza people, 26
Haitian revolution, 138
Handwerker, W. Penn, 347
Harvard Baliem Valley expedition, 119–20, 122, 132, 153
Harvard investments, 307,
head-hunting, 151, 158–59
healers (shamans), 297–98, 339, 348, 355–56
health, 24, 31–32, 410–51
Alzheimer’s disease, 392–95
of elders, 231
infections, 281–82
learning from traditional societies, 414, 462, 465
Hebrews, ancient, 229, 230
Heider, Karl, 59, 120, 127, 203
Heine, Steven, 8
Henrich, Joseph, 8
herding societies, 15, 16, 19
children in, 194, 195–96, 198
elders in, 229, 230
food and food storage, 301, 309
hermits, 330, 353
Hewlett, Bonnie, 456
high blood pressure.
Hill, Kim, 178
Hindi, 372
hippopotamus, 280
Holmberg, Allan, 60, 179, 215, 297, 444
Hopi Indians, 214
horses, 158
Howell, Nancy, 178–79, 212, 287, 288
Hrdy, Sarah Blaffer, 191
hunter-gatherer societies, 7, 353
breast-feeding and birth intervals, 179–81, 182–83
child autonomy, 196–200
child care, 187–88
child punishment, 194–95
egalitarianism, 13, 14, 197, 198
food acquisition and scarcity, 187, 301, 309
infant-parent contact, 181–82, 184
information sources and quality, 478
multi-age playgroups, 201–2
political organization and, 10, 13, 14, 15, 17–18
war in, 139, 156
hunting, 348
children’s training, 203–4, 205–6, 349
hazards of, 271, 272–73, 278, 279
salt intake and, 415
territoriality and, 42–43
uncertainty of success, 300–303
Hurtado, A. Magdalena, 178
Hutterite colonies, 363
hyenas, 154–55
hygiene, 293–94, 296–97
hypertension, 4, 31, 32, 292, 411, 417–28
causes, 421–25
salt intake and, 417–21, 423–25
Iceland Norse, 290
Icelandic language, 401
independence, 224
child autonomy, 173–74, 188–89, 192, 196–200, 205, 208–9