2 R. Service, ‘The Industrial Workers’, pp. 159–60.

3 R. Service, Lenin, vol. 2, pp. 245–6.

4 Ibid., pp. 239–40.

5 S. F. Jones, ‘The Non-Russian Nationalities’, pp. 46–7.

6 T. Swietochowski, Russian Azerbaijan, pp. 138–9.

7 Dekrety Sovetskoi vlasti, vol. 1, p. 40.

8 PSS, vol. 35, pp. 221–3.

9 This was its name until the 1930s, when the order of the words ‘socialist’ and ‘soviet’ was reversed and the name therefore became Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic.

10 M. Perrie, ‘The Peasants’, p. 30.

11 D. Atkinson, The End of the Russian Land Commune, pp. 181–2, 209.

12 O. Figes, Peasant Russia, pp. 207–8.

13 M. McAuley, Bread and Justice. State and Society in Petrograd, pp. 270– 71.

14 S. A. Smith, ‘Workers’ Control’, p. 23.

15 J. Channon, ‘The Landowners’, p. 157.

16 F. Lorimer, The Population of the Soviet Union. History and Prospects, p. 87.

17 Izvestiya, 19 July 1918.

18 Figes, Peasant Russia, pp. 138–44.

19 T. Shanin, The Awkward Class, p. 174; V. P. Danilov, Rural Russia under the New Regime, pp. 211–14.

20 R. Service, The Bolshevik Party, p. 77.

21 S. F. Cohen, Bukharin and the Russian Revolution, p. 73.

22 P. Kenez, The First Propaganda State, pp. 129–31.

23 SVIII, pp. 390–410.

24 Izvestiya, 2 August 1918.

25 G. E. Zinoviev, N. Lenin. Vladimir Il’ich Lenini.

26 V. Brovkin, The Mensheviks after October.

27 Yu. G. Felshtinskii, Bol’sheviki i levye esery, pp. 145–9.

28 He did not mention the Bolsheviks by name; but his meaning was sufficiently clear.

29 A. Pyman, The Life of Alexander Blok, vol. 2, p. 281.

30 C. Read, Culture and Power in Revolutionary Russia, chs 2, 3.

31 PSS, vol. 38, p. 437.

32 PSS, vol. 36, pp. 296–300.

33 E. H. Carr, The Bolshevik Revolution, vol. 2, pp. 88–9.

34 PSS, vol. 35, p. 311.

35 D. Orlovsky, ‘State Building in the Civil War Era’, p. 202.

36 V. Brovkin, The Mensheviks, p. 181.

37 PSS, vol. 33, p. 74.

6 Civil Wars (1918–1921)

1 PSS, vol. 36, p. 172.

2 PSS, vol. 50, p. 186.

3 B. Pearce, How Haig Saved Lenin, p. 65

4 ITsKKPSS, no. 4 (1984), pp. 143–4.

5 V. Fic, The Bolsheviks and the Czechoslovak Legion, pp. 20–21, 26–7, 80– 91.

6 Yu. G. Felshtinskii, Bol’sheviki i levye esery, pp. 214–15.

7 L. Trotsky, My Life, p. 324.

8 PSS, vol. 50, p. 178.

9 RTsKhIDNI, f. 17, op. 2, d. 1, item 5; GARF, f. R-130, op. 2, d. 1 (3), item 4 and d. 2 (2). See also Yu. Buranov and V. Khrustalev, Gibel’ imperatorskogo doma, p. 261 and R. Service, Lenin, vol. 3, pp. 37–8.

10 S. Lyandres, ‘The 1918 Attempt on the Life of Lenin’, pp. 437–41.

11 PSS, vol. 37, pp. 244–5, 250.

12 Quoted in Komsomol’skaya pravda, 12 February 1992.

13 Ibid.

14 G. Leggett, The Cheka, p. 114.

15 See note 12.

16 Leggett, The Cheka, pp. 464–7.

17 R. Conquest, The Great Terror. A Reassessment, p. 310.

18 Service, Lenin, vol. 3, p. 53.

19 E. H. Carr, The Bolshevik Revolution, vol. 2, pp. 52–3.

20 SVIII, p. 354.

21 A. Nove, An Economic History, p. 62.

22 R. W. Davies, The Development of the Soviet Budgetary System, pp. 9, 31.

23 Nove, An Economic History, p. 94.

24 D. Orlovsky, ‘The City in Danger’, p. 74.

25 Service, Lenin, vol. 3, p. 42.

26 T. H. Rigby, Communist Party Membership, pp. 52–3.

27 R. Service, ‘From Polyarchy to Hegemony’, pp. 86–7.

28 R. Service, The Bolshevik Party, pp. 96–9, 106–9.

29 See note 27.

30 F. Benvenuti, The Bolsheviks and the Red Army, pp. 92–108.

31 Carr, The Bolshevik Revolution, pp. 110–11.

32 R. G. Suny, The Making of the Georgian Nation, p. 202.

33 See for example GARF, f. 1318, op. 1, ed. khr. 4 (Collegium meeting from 25 August 1919 onwards).

34 R. Pipes, The Formation of the Soviet Union, pp. 164–6.

35 Ibid., p. 174.

36 SVIII, p. 425.

37 RTsKhIDNI, f. 17, op. 3, d. 9.

38 Service, Lenin, vol. 3, p. 191.

39 P. Kenez, ‘The Ideology of the White Movement’, pp. 78–83.

40 TP, vol. 2, p. 278.

41 J. Channon, ‘Siberia in Revolution and Civil War’, ch. 9.

42 W. G. Rosenberg, Liberals in the Russian Revolution, p. 340.

43 E. Mawdsley, The Russian Civil War, pp. 63, 182–4.

44 S. White, Britain and the Bolshevik Revolution, ch. 1.

45 Service, The Bolshevik Party, pp. 147–8.

46 S. M. Klyatskin, Na zashite Oktyabrya, pp. 396, 463.

47 V. P. Danilov, ‘Dinamika naseleniya SSSR’, p. 246.

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