
19 R. B. Day, Leon Trotsky and the Politics of Economic Isolation, ch. 3.

20 E. H. Carr and R. W. Davies, Socialism in One Country, vol. 1, pp. 508–9.

21 On the difficulties of the available statistics see R. W. Davies, ‘Changing Economic Systems: An Overview’, p. 9.

22 S. G. Wheatcroft, R. W. Davies and J. Cooper, ‘Soviet Industrialisation Reconsidered’, Economic History Review, no. 2 (1986), p. 270.

23 R. W. Davies, The Socialist Offensive, p. 8.

24 E. H. Carr and R. W. Davies, Foundations of a Planned Economy, vol. 1, part 1, pp. 287, 298.

25 Davies, The Socialist Offensive, p. 36.


9 The First Five-Year Plan (1928–1932)

1 J. Hughes, Stalin, Siberia and the Crisis of the New Economic Policy, p. 139.

2 E. H. Carr and R. W. Davies, Foundations of a Planned Economy, vol. 2, p. 75.

3 A. Larina, This I Cannot Forget, p. 251.

4 Y. Taniuchi, ‘Decision-making on the Urals-Siberian Method’, pp. 79–85.

5 K. Bailes, Technology and Society under Lenin and Stalin; N. Lampert, The Technical Intelligentsia and the Soviet State.

6 R. W. Davies, The Soviet Economy in Turmoil, pp. 68, 126, 180.

7 C. Merridale, Moscow Politics and the Rise of Stalin, p. 53.

8 Quoted in D. A. Volkogonov, Stalin: Triumf i tragediya, vol. 1, part 2, p. 52.

9 Pravda, 5 February 1931.

10 R. Lewis, ‘Foreign Economic Relations’, p. 208.

11 A. C. Sutton, Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development, pp. 362–73.

12 Carr and Davies, Foundations of a Planned Economy, vol. 3, part 1, p. 233.

13 O. V. Khlevnyuk, ‘Prinuditelnyi trud v ekonomike SSSR’, p. 75.

14 V. P. Danilov, Pravda, 16 September 1988.

15 A. Romano, ‘Peasant-Bolshevik Conflicts Inside the Red Army’, pp. 114–15.

16 M. Lewin, Russian Peasants and Soviet Power, p. 391.

17 S. G. Wheatcroft, ‘More Light on the Scale of Repression’, p. 366.

18 Stalinskoe Politbyuro v 30-e gody., pp. 114–15.

19 R. W. Davies in The Economic Transformation, table 19.

20 R. Munting, The Economic Development of the USSR, p. 93.

21 R. W. Davies in The Economic Transformation, table 22.

22 Ibid., p. 152.

23 Ibid., p. 36 and table 31.

24 Istoriya SSSR, no. 3 (1989), p. 44.

25 S. Fitzpatrick, Stalin’s Peasants, p. 65.

26 Yu. A. Moshkov, Zernovaya problema, p. 136; J. Barber and R. W. Davies, ‘Employment and Industrial Labour’, p. 103.

27 S. Fitzpatrick, ‘Stalin and the Making of a New Elite’.

28 T. H. Rigby, Communist Party Membership, pp. 52–3.

29 A. K. Sokolov, Lektsii po Sovetskoi istorii, p. 130.

30 R. W. Davies, ‘Industry’, p. 145.

31 R. MacNeal, Stalin: Man and Ruler, p. 218.

32 RTsKhIDNI, f. 44, op. 1, d. 5, pp. 20–21; PSS, vol. 41, p. 458.

33 A. di Biagio, Le origini dell’isolazionismo, pp. 33–48.

34 O. V. Khlevnyuk, Stalin i Ordzhonikidze, pp. 22–9.

35 P. Broue, ‘Trotsky et le bloc des oppositions de 1932’.

36 Cited in O. V. Khlevnyuk, ‘The Objectives of the Great Terror’, p. 159.

10 Fortresses under Storm: Culture, Religion, Nation

1 L. Gordon and E. Klopov, Chto eto bylo?, p. 92.

2 Narodnoe khozyaistvo za 70 let, p. 528.

3 Gordon and Klopov, Chto eto bylo?, p. 87.

4 Ibid., p. 89.

5 Narodnoe khozyaistvo za 70 let, p. 569.

6 S. Kotkin, Magnetic Mountain: Stalinism as Civilisation.

7 I. V. Stalin, Sochineniya, vol. 14, p. 89.

8 E. A. Osokina, Ierarkhiya potrebleniya, p. 116.

9 A. Nove, An Economic History, pp. 224–5; R. W. Davies in The Economic Transformation, p. 17.

10 O. V. Khlevnyuk, Stalin i Ordzhonikidze, pp. 35–7.

11 Nove, Economic History, pp. 178, 180.

12 O. V. Khlevnyuk, 1937-y: Stalin, NKVD i sovetskoe obshchestvo, p. 27.

13 Stalin, Sochineniya, vol. 13, p. 211.

14 Khlevnyuk, 1937-y, pp. 28–9.

15 E. Radzinsky, Stalin, pp. 279–86.

16 R. Medvedev, Sem’ya tirana, p. 4.

17 R. Medvedev, Let History Judge, p. 224.

18 D. A. Volkogonov, Moskovskie novosti, no. 38 (18 September 1988), p. 16.

19 B. Souvarine, Stalin, p. 485.

20 P. N. Pospelov, ‘Pyatdesyat let KPSS’, pp. 21–2.

21 B. A. Starkov, Dela i lyudi stalinskogo vremeni, p. 89.

22 Even after the late 1960s, moreover, there was a recurrence of widespread popular enthusiasm, especially under Gorbachev in the second half of the 1980s.

23 R. Stites, Russian Popular Culture, p. 97.

24 Ibid., p. 82.

25 S. Fitzpatrick, Stalin’s Peasants, p. 218.

26 B. Nahaylo and V. Svoboda, Soviet Disunion, p. 66.

27 Akademicheskoe delo 1929–1931, p. xlviii.

28 Starkov, Dela i lyudi, p. 36.

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