48 J. Aves, Workers Against Lenin, ch. 4.

49 Leggett, The Cheka, p. 329.

50 O. Figes, Peasant Russia, p. 195, 304.

51 Document quoted in Izvestiya, 27 April 1992, p. 3.

52 SX, pp. 349–50.

53 PSS, vol. 42, pp. 134, 156–9.

54 PSS, vol. 42, p. 179; RTsKhIDNI, f. 17, op. 2, d. 49, item 1.

7 The New Economic Policy (1921–1928)

1 A. Nove, An Economic History, p. 94.

2 R. Service, Lenin, vol. 3, p. 169.

3 RTsKhIDNI, f. 17, op. 3, d. 131, item 1.

4 This can be gauged from the written questions passed up to Lenin at the Congress: RTsKhIDNI, f. 5, op. 2, d. 7, pp. 1–88.

5 See ibid., f. 46, op. 1, d. 2.

6 N. Valentinov, Novaya ekonomicheskaya politika i krizis partii, pp. 30–31.

7 RTsKhIDNI, f. 17, op. 3, d. 155, item 11.

8 Krest’yanskoe vosstanie v Tambovskoi, doc. 266.

9 PSS, vol. 45, pp. 189–90.

10 Stalin referred to it contemptuously as national ‘liberalism’: ITsKKPSS, no. 9 (1989), p. 199.

11 Service, Lenin, vol. 3, pp. 190–95.

12 Originally Lenin wanted to call it the Union of Soviet Republics of Europe and Asia: PSS, vol. 45, pp. 211–12; but, after much haggling with Stalin, there was agreement on the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

13 RTsKhIDNI, f. 17, op. 3, d. 291, item 2; I. K. Gamburg et al., M. V. Frunze. Zhizn’ i deyatel’nost’, pp. 292, 294.

14 SX, pp. 213–14.

15 Ibid.

16 See for example GARF, f. 1318, op. 1, ed. khr. 1 (Narkomnats collegium, 8 March 1919).

17 The Muslim rebels in central Asia, the basmachi, were never completely suppressed in the 1920s; but their ability to disrupt the Soviet administrative order was small.

18 G. Hewitt, ‘Aspects of Language in Georgia (Georgian and Abkhaz)’, p. 132.

19 Izvestiya, 1 January 1923.

20 S. Kharmandaryan, Lenin i stanovlenie zakavkazskoi federatsii, chs 2–3.

21 G. A. Galoyan and K. S. Khudaverdyan (eds), Nagornyi Karabakh, pp. 24, 32– 3.

22 Report in Nezavisimaya gazeta, 12 May 1991.

23 ITsKKPSS, no. 9 (1990), p. 212.

24 V. Kozlov, The Peoples of the Soviet Union.

25 ITsKKPSS, no. 4 (1990), p. 194 (Politburo minute).

26 Ibid., pp. 194, 197.

27 A. Luukanen, The Party of Unbelief, p. 183.

28 Smolensk Party Archives, WKP6, 9 January 1920.

29 RTsKhIDNI, f. 17, op. 3, d. 187, item 2.

30 A. Blyum, Za kulisami ‘Ministerstva Pravdy’, p. 79.

31 PSS, vol. 45, p. 13.

32 Vserossiiskaya konferentsiya RKP (bol’shevikov), bulletin 3, pp. 80, 82.

33 Bolshevik-edited satirical magazines were allowed to mock only those phenomena which incurred the party’s disapproval.

34 T. H. Rigby, Communist Party Membership, p. 52.

35 E. H. Carr and R. W. Davies, Foundations of a Planned Economy, vol. 1, p. 545.

36 R. Service, The Bolshevik Party , pp. 168–9.

37 L. Gordon and E. Klopov, Chto eto bylo?, pp. 92–3.

38 R. Stites, Revolutionary Dreams, chs 3, 4.

39 Nevertheless it should be noted that fifty-eight per cent of newspaper copies were sold in Moscow and Leningrad in 1925: R. Stites, Russian Popular Culture, p. 42.

40 S. Fitzpatrick, ‘Sex and Revolution: an Examination of Literacy and Statistical Data on the Mores of Soviet Students in the 1920s’, p. 121.

41 M. Dewar, Labour Policy in the USSR, p. 144.

42 Carr and Davies, Foundations of a Planned Economy, vol. 1, pp. 460, 605.

43 P. Juviler, Revolutionary Law and Order, ch. 2.

44 A. M. Ball, Russia’s Last Capitalists, pp. 39–40.

45 PSS, vol. 44, p. 397.

46 C. Ward, Russia’s Cotton Workers, pp. 113–16.

47 W. Chase, Workers, Society and the Soviet State, pp. 220–24.

48 D. Thorniley, The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Rural Communist Party, p. 17.

49 R. Taylor, The Politics of the Soviet Cinema, p. 65.

50 E. A. Rees, State Control in Soviet Russia, pp. 87–92.

51 T. H. Rigby, ‘The Origins of the Nomenklatura System’, pp. 84–5.

52 T. H. Rigby, ‘Early provincial cliques and the rise of Stalin’.

8 Leninism and its Discontents

1 R. Service, Lenin, vol. 3, pp. 291–4.

2 A. Mikoyan, Vospominaniya i mysli o Lenine, p. 195.

3 Service, Lenin, vol. 3, p. 257.

4 ITsKKPSS, no. 4 (1991), pp. 187–8.

5 PSS, vol. 54, p. 327.

6 PSS, vol. 45, pp. 344–5.

7 Service, Lenin, vol. 3, p. 297.

8 PSS, vol. 45, pp. 329–30.

9 This distinction was pointed out to me by Geoffrey Hosking.

10 The series of the Leninskii sbornik continued through to the years of Gorbachev.

11 J. D. Biggart, ‘Bukharin’s Theory of Cultural Revolution’, pp. 146–58.

12 A. Nove, An Economic History, p. 194.

13 R. Service, The Bolshevik Party, p. 198.

14 I. V. Stalin, Sochineniya, vol. 6, pp. 69–188.

15 R. Medvedev, Let History Judge, pp. 509–10.

16 J. Erickson, The Soviet High Command. A Military-Political History, ch. 9.

17 A. C. Sutton, Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development, p. 11.

18 M. J. Dohan’s calculation in R. W. Davies, From Tsarism to the NEP, p.

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