1 O. V. Khlevnyuk, 1937-y: Stalin, NKVD i sovetskoe obshchestvo, pp. 232– 33.

2 Computed from data in G. Gill, The Origins of the Stalinist Political System, p. 416.

3 N. S. Timasheff, The Great Retreat, pp. 223, 309.

4 F. Benvenuti and S. Pons, Il Sistema, p. 187.

5 See Istoriya Vsesoyuznoi Kommunisticheskoi Partii, ch. 12.

6 I. V. Stalin, Sochineniya, vol. 14, pp. 142, 152.

7 Ibid., p. 144.

8 Ibid., p. 179.

9 Ibid., pp. 164–5.

10 Neizvestnaya Rossiya, no. 2, pp. 279–81.

11 S. and B. Webb, Soviet Communism: A New Civilisation?, pp. 432–46.

12 Ibid., p. 152.

13 SXVIII, p. 36.

14 SXVIII, p. 26.

15 T. H. Rigby, ‘Was Stalin a Disloyal Patron?’, p. 132.

16 N. S. Khrushchev, The Glasnost Tapes, p. 38.

17 K. Simonov, Glazami, pp. 378–9.

18 P. Juviler, Revolutionary Law and Order, ch. 3.

19 Rodina, no. 3 (1994), p. 79.

20 D. Filtzer, Soviet Workers and Stalinist Industrialisation, ch. 8.

21 N. Jasny, The Socialized Agriculture of the Soviet Union, pp. 341–2.

22 R. Conquest, Industrial Workers in the USSR, pp. 103–5.

23 Jasny, The Socialized Agriculture, p. 342.

24 See note 20.

25 I owe this metaphor to Katherine Braithwaite’s intervention in a lecture I was giving.

26 D. Hoffmann, Peasant Metropolis.

27 Timasheff, The Great Retreat, pp. 197, 200–202.

28 F. Chuev (ed.), Tak govoril Kaganovich, p. 59.

29 Pravda, no. 179, 1 July 1937 and following copies: no doubt Stalin also wanted to avoid being held personally responsible for the Great Terror if it went wrong and he was brought to account for it.

30 R. O. G. Urch, The Rabbit King of Siberia , chs 13, 19.

31 M. Gor’kii, L. Averbakh and S. Firin (eds), Belomorsko–Baltiiskii Kanal imeni Stalina.

32 R. Stites, Russian Popular Culture, pp. 72–6.

33 A. Bergson, The Real National Income of Soviet Russia since 1928, p. 251.

34 A. S. Shinkarchuk, Obshchestvennoe mnenie, p. 37.

35 Ibid., pp. 46–7.

36 Stalin, Sochineniya, vol. 14, p. 238.

37 S. Fitzpatrick, Stalin’s Peasants, pp. 289–96.

38 Yu. A. Polyakov, V. B. Zhiromskaya and I. N. Kiselev, ‘Polveka molchaniya’, p. 69.

39 J. D. Barber and R. W. Davies, ‘Employment and Industrial Labour’, p. 103.

40 M. Harrison, ‘National Income’ in The Economic Transformation, p. 53.

41 Neizvestnaya Rossiya, no. 2, pp. 272–9. On the complexities of social attitudes in the 1930s see S. Davies, Public Opinion in Stalin’s Russia.

42 A. Inkeles and R. M. Bauer, The Soviet Citizen. Daily Life in a Total-itarian Society, pp. 234–6.

43 Quoted in Khlevnyuk, 1937-y, p. 88–9; and D. A. Volkogonov, Stalin, vol. 1, part 2, p. 58.

13 The Second World War (1939–1945)

1 A. di Biagio, Le Origini dell’isolazionismo Sovietico, ch. 1.

2 J. Haslam, The Soviet Union and the Struggle for Collective Security, pp. 121, 125, 156–7; R. C. Nation, Black Earth, Red Star, pp. 101–2; S. Pons, Stalin e la Guerra Inevitabile, pp. 122–3.

3 I am grateful to Silvio Pons for clarifying issues of Soviet foreign policy in the late 1930s.

4 J. Barber and M. Harrison, The Soviet Home Front, p. 17.

5 J. Erickson, The Soviet High Command, pp. 576, 582.

6 Haslam, The Soviet Union and the Struggle, p. 225.

7 Pons, Stalin e la Guerra Inevitabile, pp. 273–5.

8 R. MacNeal, Stalin, p. 221.

9 N. S. Khrushchev, The Glasnost Tapes, p. 46.

10 V. N. Zemtsov, ‘Prinuditelnye migratsii iz Pribaltiki’, p. 4; K. Sword, Deportation and Exile. Poles in the Soviet Union, pp. 6–7, 13–14.

11 L. Rotundo, ‘Stalin and the Outbreak of War in 1941’, p. 291.

12 Khrushchev, The Glasnost Tapes, p. 50.

13 J. Erickson, The Road to Stalingrad, pp. 576, 582.

14 K. Simonov, Glazami, pp. 258–9.

15 See the materials in G. A. Bordyugov (ed.), Gotovil li Stalin nastupatel’-nuyu voinu protiv Gitlera?; V. N. Kiselev, ‘Upryamye fakty nachala voiny’, p. 78; V. D. Danilov, ‘Gotovil li generalnyi shtab Krasno Armii uprezhdayushchii udar po Germanii?’, p. 88

16 IA, no. 2 (1995), p. 30.

17 Znamya, no. 6 (1990), p. 165.

18 Erickson, The Road to Stalingrad, ch. 3.

19 Yu. A. Gorkov, Kreml’. Stavka. Genshtab, pp. 79– 80.

20 D. A. Volkogonov, Stalin, vol. 2, part 2, p. 191.

21 V. Kumanev, ‘Iz vospominaniyakh o voennykh godakh’, pp. 68–75.

22 J. Barber and M. Harrison, The Soviet Home Front, p. 41.

23 Ibid., p. 50.

24 Gorkov, Kreml’. Stavka. Genshtab, p. 155.

25 I. V. Stalin, Sochineniya, vol. 15, p. 1.

26 See K. Simonov’s record of an interview with Konev, Glazami, p. 360.

27 G. Rittersporn, Simplifications staliniennes, p. 248.

28 Neizvestnaya Rossiya, vol. 2, pp. 63–5.

29 Simonov, Glazami, p. 389.

30 Khrushchev, The Glasnost Tapes, p. 65.

31 M. Harrison, ‘The Second World War’, pp. 250–52.

32 J. Erickson, The Road to Berlin, p. 533.

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