14 CODA: Suffering and Struggle (1941–1945)

1 H. Hunter and J. M. Szyrmer, Faulty Foundations. Soviet Economic Policies.

2 W. Moskoff, The Bread of Affliction, p. 146.

3 S. G. Wheatcroft and R. W. Davies, ‘Agriculture’, p. 126.

4 N. F. Bugai, L. P. Beriya — I. Stalinu: ‘Soglasno Vashemu ukazaniyu’, p. 56 ff.

5 A. Avtorkhanov, ‘The Chechens and the Ingush during the Soviet Period’, p. 47.

6 I. Fleischhauer, ‘The Ethnic Germans under Nazi Rule’, p. 96.

7 C. Andreyev, Vlasov and the Russian Liberation Movement, pp. 199–200.

8 E. Bacon, The Gulag at War, pp. 78, 148.

9 N. S. Patolichev, Ispytanie na zrelost’, pp. 79, 88, 137, 282.

10 Skrytaya pravda voiny: 1941 god, p. 260.

11 Moskoff, The Bread of Affliction, p. 180.

12 Skrytaya pravda voiny, p. 342.

13 Ibid., p. 364.

14 Bacon, The Gulag, p. 24.

15 V. Kravchenko, I Chose Freedom, pp. 405–6.

16 Soprotivlenie v Gulage. Vospominaniya. Pis’ma. Dokumenty, p. 132.

17 J. Rossi, Spravochnik po GULagu, vol. 1, p. 40.

18 F. Benvenuti and S. Pons, Il Sistema, pp. 252–3.

19 Krasnaya zvezda, 21 June 1989.

20 P. J. S. Duncan, ‘Orthodoxy and Russian Nationalism in the USSR’, p. 315.

21 P. J. S. Duncan, ‘Russian Messianism: a Historical and Political Analysis’, p. 316–17.

22 Pravda, 21 April 1942.

23 It must be added that the RSFSR did not escape German occupation: about thirty million Soviet citizens had lived in parts of the RSFSR that fell into the hands of the Wehrmacht by the end of 1941: see N. I. Kondakova and V. N. Main, Intelligentsiya Rossii, p. 91.

24 Ye. S. Senyavskaya, 1941–1945: Frontovoe Pokolenie, p. 105.

25 Ibid., pp. 83, 104.

26 Ibid., pp. 108–9.

27 Ibid., pp. 108–9, 170.

28 J. D. Barber and M. Harrison, The Soviet Home Front, p. 148.

29 M. Harrison, ‘Soviet Production and Employment in World War Two’, p. 22.

30 Yu. V. Arutunyan, Sovetskoe krest’yanstvo, pp. 360–66.

31 OA, Cherkess Autonomous Region file: location unrecorded, p. 117.

32 S. G. Wheatcroft and R. W. Davies, ‘Population’, p. 78.

33 In fact Stalin’s scorched-earth policy for the retreating Red Army in 1941 limited the benefit for the German economy.

34 S. Kudryashev, ‘Collaboration on the Eastern Front’, pp. 15, 17.

35 A. Dallin, German Rule in Russia, p. 477.

36 File on Gulyai-Pole in OA, unrecorded file number, p. 266.

37 Skrytaya pravda voiny, pp. 266–8.

38 Kudryashev, ‘Collaboration’, p. 44.

39 Dallin, German Rule in Russia, p. 209.

40 Senyavskaya, 1941–1945, p. 141.

41 R. MacNeal, Stalin, pp. 248–50.

42 G. Bordyugov and A. Afanasev, ‘Ukradennaya Pobeda’; S. Fitzpatrick, Stalin’s Peasants, pp. 293–4.

43 Senyavskaya, 1941–1945, p. 79.


15 The Hammers of Peace (1945–1953)

1 S. G. Wheatcroft and R. W. Davies, ‘Population’, p. 78.

2 M. V. Filimoshin, ‘Poteri grazhdanskogo naseleniya’, p. 124.

3 R. Kaiser, The Geography of Nationalism, p. 118.

4 This was so sensitive a topic that Nikita Khrushchev revealed it to the Central Committee many years later, in July 1953, only in the strictest confidence: see R. Service, ‘The Road to the Twentieth Party Congress’, p. 237.

5 OA, Cherkessian Autonomous Province file, p. 117.

6 P. Levi, The Truce.

7 This had been true also at the end of the First Five-Year Plan: another ‘triumph’ marred for him by the attendant menace to his regime.

8 E. Yu. Zubkova, Obshchestvo i reformy, p. 72.

9 An exception was Andrei Sakharov; but even he, after graduating in 1942, became an armaments factory engineer for the rest of the war.

10 Zubkova, Obshchestvo i reformy, pp. 39–40.

11 V. P. Popov, Krest’yanstvo i gosudarstvo, pp. 261–80.

12 Zubkova, Obshchestvo i reformy, p. 41.

13 See the account of A. S. Belyakov’s recollections of A. A. Zhdanov’s description of a meeting of central political leaders: G. Arbatov, Svidetel’stvo sovremennika, p. 377.

14 Zubkova, Obshchestvo i reformy, p. 52.

15 Ibid., p. 43.

16 Pravda, 25 May 1945.

17 V. N. Zemskov, ‘Prinuditelnye migratsii iz Pribaltiki’, pp. 13–14.

18 Ibid., p. 5.

19 J. Rossi, Spravochnik po GULagu, vol. 1, p. 53.

20 E. Bacon, The Gulag, pp. 93–4.

21 Calculated from ibid., p. 24.

22 D. Holloway, Stalin and the Bomb, p. 193.

23 W. Hahn, Postwar Soviet Politics, pp. 98–101.

24 F. Benvenuti and S. Pons, Il Sistema, pp. 282–8.

25 T. Dunmore, Soviet Politics, 1945–1953, chs 3, 4.

26 A. Nove, An Economic History, p. 290.

27 T. Dunmore, The Stalinist Command Economy, ch. 5.

28 Nove, Economic History, p. 293.

29 A. Nove, ‘Industry’, p. 62.

30 Holloway, Stalin and the Bomb, p. 216.

31 Nove, Economic History, p. 293.

32 Ibid., p. 305.

33 A. McAuley, Economic Welfare in the Soviet Union, pp. 33–4; and A. McAuley,

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