Kommunist (journal), 511

Komsomol (communist youth organization), 140, 171, 199, 361, 538

Komuch see Constituent Assembly: Committee of Members

Kondratev, Nikolai, 145

Konev, General Ivan, 263, 265 , 272

Konigsberg see Kaliningrad

Korean war (1950–53), 312, 330, 336

Koreans: deported, 225

Kornilov, General Lavr, 52, 54–7, 60, 82, 88, 102, 113

Korotich, Vitali, 449

Korzhakov, Alex, 531, 532

Kosior, Stanislav, 170

Kosmodeyanskaya, Zoya, 289

Kosovo, 537, 562

Kostov, Trajcho, 311

Kosygin, Aleksei: career, 236, 373, 378; advocates reform, 379–80, 385, 407, 431; relations with Brezhnev, 384; hesitates over Czechoslovak intervention, 387; overseas visits, 388; resignation and death (1980), 403

Kovalev, Sergei, 519

Kozlov, Frol, 344–5, 364, 373

Kozyrev, Andrei, 512, 536, 537

Krasin, Lev, 70

Krasin, Viktor, 412

Krasnov, General P.N., 67

Krasnoyarsk, 329

Krasnoyarsk Regional Committee, 221

Kravchenko, Viktor, 234

Kravchuk, Leonid, 506

Krestinski, Nikolai, 112

Krichevski, Ilya, 501

Kronstadt, 50, 58, 119, 125, 127, 446

Krupskaya, Nadezhda (Lenin’s wife), 152–3, 195, 227

Kryuchkov, Colonel-General Vladimir A., 496, 499–502

Ksenofontov, F.A., 158

Kuban region, 195

Kuhlmann, Richard von, 76

Kuibyshev see Samara

Kuibyshev, Valeryan, 171, 175, 213, 218

Kukly (TV programme), 538, 549

kulaks: status, 6; rejoin communes, 86; Lenin advocates hanging, 108; Lenin proposes rewarding, 121; persecuted, 171, 179–81, 195, 202–3; grain seized, 174; enfranchised under 1936 Constitution, 239; post-World War II demands, 298; see also peasants

Kulichenko, Aleksei, 208

Kunaev, Dinmukhammed, 391, 403, 456

Kurchatov, Sergei, 304

Kurds: deported, 225

Kurile Islands, 273, 308

Kursk, 267, 269, 289

Kursk (submarine), 549

Kutuzov, Mikhail, 134

Kuznetsov, Admiral N.G., 258

labour: agricultural, 7; industrial, 7, 178; movement, 13, 21, 29, 32, 37, 143–4, 540; and administrators, 97, 417; discipline, 243, 416, 469, 516; shortage of skilled, 243; in World War II, 285–6; mobility, 416–17; promotion prospects reduced, 422; unpaid under Yeltsin, 516; see also wages

Labour Party (British), 63, 178

Labytnangi, 329

land: peasant tenure, 5–6, 22, 34, 39–41, 55–6; and gentry, 15–16, 20, 34, 39, 53, 55–6; reform demands in 1906 Duma, 15; redistribution after October Revolution, 67–8, 82, 86–7, 90–1; socialization, 82; privatization delayed, 526, 542, 551

Land Code, 551

Land, Decree on (Lenin’s), 68, 73–4, 85, 87, 90

Land and Freedom (party), 17–19

Landau, Lev, 248

Landowners Union, 88

languages: diversity of, 9–10, 130; see also linguistics; Russian language

Larionov, A.M., 349

Latsis, Martyn, 108

Latvia: demands autonomy, 40; support for Bolsheviks, 83; Germany acquires (1918), 84; soldiers (Riflemen),

87, 103; Soviet republic established (1918), 107; granted independence, 128; awarded to USSR in 1939 Non-Aggression Treaty, 256–7; annexed by USSR, 258, 306, 398; Germans occupy, 261; post-World War II settlement, 270, 306; SS units from, 287; post-World War II deportations, 300; culture downgraded, 316; and Khrushchev’s denunciation of Stalin, 342; nationalism, 366, 456, 478; Communist Party purged, 367; protest demonstrations, 457, 473–4, 481; independence movement, 482; Yeltsin reassures, 489; resists State Committee for the Emergency Situation, 502; demands independence, 503; declines to join Commonwealth of Independent States, 507

Latvian Popular Front, 482

Lavrov, Sergei, 560

Law on Co-operatives, 451, 460–61

lawlessness see criminality and criminal gangs

Laz people, 131–2

Lazar, Berel, 557

Lazurkina, D.A., 360

League of the Militant Godless, 136, 204

League of Nations, 229

Lebed, Alexander, 532, 533

Left Opposition, 156–7, 161, 164

Left Socialist-Revolutionaries, Party of, 59, 74, 76, 78, 81, 89, 93, 102–4, 107, 110

leisure and recreation, 191, 357, 420–21; see also sport

Lenin, Vladimir I.: leads Bolsheviks, 19, 71–2, 74; 1917 return to Russia, 26, 47; advocates immediate Bolshevik seizure of power, 47–50, 58–60; in hiding in Finland, 50; and socialist proposals to end war, 52; accuses Kerenski, 55; negotiates 1917/18 peace, 62, 68, 75–8, 102; and October Revolution, 62, 65–7; advocates dictatorship, 63–4, 549; revolutionary ideas and aims, 63–5, 82–3, 91–2, 98, 548; forms 1917 government, 66–7; issues decrees, 68–9, 73; Allies’ view of, 70; background and reputation, 70–73, 553; character, 72, 74; economic difficulties, 79–80; expects continuing support, 81; proposes federation of Soviet republics, 84; ethnic origins, 85; and Latvian Riflemen, 87; and workers’ control, 88; language, 92; personality cult, 93, 199, 551; and state capitalism, 96; and state administrative organization, 98–9; and civil war, 101, 104, 106; and murder of Mirbach, 103; advocates terror, 107–8, 145, 227; and Allied victory over Germany, 107; assassination attempt on, 107–8; administrative agreement with colleagues, 110; and central Party administration, 111–12; economic policies, 111;

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