Mekhlis, Lev, 265

Melnikov, Vladimir, 487

Mendeleev, Dmitri Ivanovich, 8

Menshevik Party: rivalry and differences with Bolsheviks, 19–20, 63, 66, 104; repressed under Nicholas II, 29; and Provisional Government, 35; constitutional aims, 45–6; disaffected Bolsheviks join, 48; seeks end to World War I, 51–2; Kerenski seeks support from, 53; wins over army, 54; Lenin disavows, 59, 118; anti-capitalism, 62–3; and October Revolution, 65; non-cooperation in Lenin’s 1917 government, 66–7; formed, 71; excluded from Sovnarkom, 74; repressed by Bolsheviks, 93, 185; excluded from soviets, 107; Lenin proposes trials of, 128; denounced, 134; excluded from politics, 161; and opposition to Bolshevik Party, 188

mental illness, 417

Mercader, Ramon, 231

Meshcherski, V.P., 96

Meshketian Turks, 367–8, 481

Mid-Volga Regional Committee, 186

middle class: 1917 representative bodies, 39; in Bolshevik leadership, 49; demoralized by reforms, 88; terror used against, 108; in administration, 145; and private trade, 145; after communism, 553; see also bourgeoisie

‘middle-peasantization’, 90–91

Mikhail, Grand Duke, 33

Mikhelson Factory, Moscow, 107

Mikhoels, Solomon, 316

Mikoyan, Anastas: and grain procurement, 170; dissents at 17th Party Congress, 213; submits to Stalin, 219; supports Stalin, 241; visits Stalin on German invasion, 261; favours light-industrial production, 302; Stalin accuses of political cowardice, 327; position after Stalin’s death, 331; and plot against Beria, 333; denounces Stalin at 20th Party Congress, 338; visits Hungary, 343; and Novocherkassk unrest, 364; and plot to depose Khrushchev, 376– 7

Military Opposition, 112

Milosevic? Slobodan, 537

Milyukov, Pavel Nikolaevich, 27, 30, 33–4, 36, 45, 82

miners, 514–15

Mingrelian people, 325, 339

Ministry of Economics (Russian Federation), 535

Ministry of External Affairs (Russian Federation), 537

Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD), 332–4; see also: NKVD

minorities see nationalities and minorities

Minsk, 296, 457

Mirbach, Count Wilhelm, 103

mitingovanie (neologism), 38

Mladenov, Petar, 463–4

modernization, 192

Mogilev, 27, 30, 33

Moldavia: deportations from, 258, 300; Romanians in, 284; famine, 304; culture downgraded, 316; repressed under Khrushchev, 369; Brezhnev in, 383; nationalism in, 474

Moldova: resists State Committee for the Emergency Situation, 502; joins Commonwealth of Independent States, 506; see also Moldavia

Molotov, Vyacheslav M.: and Lenin’s health decline, 151; supports Stalin, 171, 175, 241; as Moscow Party Committee secretary, 176; and compulsory collectivization, 179; hard line on Party power, 213–14; and Stalin’s use of terror, 216, 221, 223; on Politburo commission, 220; medal, 236; on 1936 Constitution, 240; submits to Stalin, 252; and Nazi pact (1939), 256; and Soviet bases in Baltic states, 257; discounts German attack on USSR, 258; speech on German invasion, 261; and conduct of World War II, 262; favours concentrating industry in European areas, 302; position and status, 303; wife’s persecution, 316, 325; visits Eisenstein with Stalin, 319; Stalin accuses of political cowardice, 327; and Stalin’s death, 327; position after Stalin’s death, 331–2; opposes reform, 332; foreign policy, 337; relations with Malenkov, 337; and 20th Party Congress, 338, 341; dismissed after conflict with Khrushchev, 344; appointed to Mongolia, 345; reviled at 22nd Party Congress, 360; retirement, 477

monarchy, 7, 18–19, 32, 45–6; see also Nicholas II, Tsar

Montgomery, Field Marshal Bernard Law, 1st Viscount, 272

Morocco, 24

Morozov, Pavlik, 245

Moscow: 1905 uprising, 15; capital moved to (1918), 78; underground railway (Metro), 192, 199, 247; rebuilding, 204, 323, 351; in World War II, 261–2; octocentenary celebrations (1948), 323; unrest under Gorbachev, 494; ‘White House’ (RSFSR Supreme Soviet building), 500–502, 524

Moscow News (journal), 449

Moskalenko, Marshal Kiril S., 333, 372

Moslems see Muslims

Mozambique, 399

Mukden: Russian defeat (1905), 14

‘multipolarity’, 554

Murakhovski, Vsevolod, 440

Murmansk, 102

Muslims : in central Asia,

84; and nationalism, 131; Turkey and, 133; Bolshevik tolerance of, 135; clerics persecuted, 203–4; and Khrushchev’s repression, 369–70

Musorgski, Modest, 11

Mussolini, Benito, 140, 171, 235, 293

Mzhavanadze, V.P., 391

Nagorny Karabakh, 133, 424, 457, 469

Nagy, Imre, 343

Nakhichevan, 133

Napoleonic Wars, 1, 10, 134


see People’s Commissariat of Nationalities narodniki (populists), 17–19

Nashi, 557

Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 352, 389

nationalism (non-Russian), 40, 83–5, 113–14, 130–32, 200–202, 208, 366–9, 390–91, 423, 456–8, 478, 481, 513

nationalism (Russian),

11–12, 23, 46, 115, 129–30, 134, 200–202, 205–8, 235, 246–7, 314, 390, 478, 480, 497, 536, 560–1

‘national programmes’ (Putin and Medvedev), 558

nationalities and minorities: under revolutionary government, 69; Soviet treatment of, 132–4; identification of, 207–8; deportations, 276–7, 284, 300, 329, 339, 367; in World War II,

283–4; cultures downgraded,

316; Khrushchev on,

362–3; and birth rate,

422–3; growing dominance,

424; Gorbachev on,

455–6; protest demonstrations,


see state economic ownership

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