chairs Politburo, 112; introduces federal rule, 114; and regions, 115; and Party purges, 118; favours requisitioning of foodstuffs, 120; favours foreign concessions, 121, 125–6, 159; on rewarding kulaks, 121; and Trotski’s union proposals, 122; and peasant unrest, 124; introduces NEP, 125–7, 150–51; attacked at 10th Party Conference, 127; and republics and nationalities, 129–30 132–3; health decline, 132, 151–3; religious persecution, 135; criticizes Mayakovski, 137; Gorki criticizes, 138 and Civil Code, 145; political testament, 152, 157, 174; death and preservation, 153–4; succession to, 154–5, 157–8, 197, 376; and Stalin’s use of terror, 227; on withering away of state, 239; on overthrow of capitalism, 254; Stalin praises at 19th Party Congress, 326; Khrushchev proposes return to, 341–2; on co-existence with global capitalism, 352; Western disenchantment with, 398; on literary classics, 419; writings, 419–20, 479; and public debate, 448; Gorbachev praises, 454; on class struggle, 455; Soloukhin analyses, 479; and Gorbachev’s reforms, 487–8; denounces politicking, 522; and Russian dominance, 554; April Theses, 47–8; Proletarian Revolution and the Renegade K. Kautsky, 108; The State and Revolution, 58, 63, 98, 361; ‘Theses on a Separate and Annexationist Peace’, 76; What Is To Be Done?, 19, 71, 143

Lenin Collection, 154

Leninakan: 1988 earthquake, 468

Leningrad see St Petersburg

Leningrad Opposition, 160–61

Leningrad State University, 548

Liberal-Democratic Party, 520, 522, 527–8, 532

liberals, 13–14, 18, 48–9

Liberman, Yevsei, 372, 379

life expectancy, 518

Lifshits, Yevgeni, 248

Ligachev, Yegor: Andropov promotes, 430–31; supports Gorbachev, 435; Gorbachev promotes, 438; background and career, 439; undermines Gorbachev, 452–3, 458, 460, 476; and Russian nationalism, 458; at 19th Party Conference, 461; and Yeltsin, 462, 503; disbelieves in reform, 468; taunts Yeltsin over rationing, 470; loses offices, 489, 490, 521

linguistics: Stalin’s views on, 318–19, 322

lishentsy see ‘deprived ones’

literacy: pre-1914 rates, 6; Bolsheviks increase, 140–41, 190, 205

literature and writers, 139, 248, 324, 335, 344, 365–6, 414–15, 476–7; see also samizdat

Lithuania: protest demonstrations, 57, 473, 481; Germany acquires (1918), 84; Soviet republic established (1918), 107; independence, 128; awarded to Germany in 1939 Non-Aggression Treaty, 256–7; annexed by USSR, 258, 306, 398; Germans occupy, 261; post-World War II settlement, 270, 306; SS units from, 287; post-World War II deportations, 300; culture downgraded, 316; and Khrushchev’s denunciation of Stalin, 342; nationalism, 366, 456, 473, 478; overrules Soviet legislation, 474; independence demands, 482, 503; Yeltsin reassures, 489; Soviet forces repress (1991), 494; resists State Committee for the Emergency Situation, 502; declines to join Commonwealth of Independent States, 507

Litvinenko, Alexander, 557

Litvinov, Maksim, 254, 256

Litvinov, Pavel, 387

livestock: killed by peasants, 181

living standards: among peasants, 147; under communism, 192–3; under Gorbachev, 469–70; changes under Yeltsin, 517–19, 525, 534, 541–2, 553–4

lobbying organizations, 514–15

Lobov, Oleg, 512

Lominadze, Beso, 187

Lozovski, Semen, 317

Ludendorff, General Erich, 75, 78

Lukyanov, Anatoli, 499, 502, 511

Lunacharski, Anatoli, 94

Luzhkov, Yuri, 540, 547

Lvov, Prince Georgi, 29–30, 33, 35–6, 49–50, 60, 80

Lysenko, Timofei, 247, 318

McCartney, Paul, 477

machine-tool industry, 468

machine-tractor stations, 181–2

Macmillan, Harold, 349, 397

magnitizdat (cassette publishing), 380

Magnitogorsk, 191, 199

Main Administration for Affairs of Literature and Publishing Houses see Glavlit

Makashov, Albert, 524

Malenkov, Georgi: Stalin promotes, 241; submits to Stalin, 252; and conduct of World War II, 262; post-World War II policies, 302; position and status, 303; and Cominform, 308; at 19th Party Congress, 325–6, 328; favours light-industrial investment, 326; and Stalin’s death, 327; offices and policies after Stalin’s death, 331–3, 337–8; and Beria’s arrest, 334; advocates consumer-goods production, 335, 347, 379; conflict with Khrushchev, 335–7, 348; and supplies to Ukraine in World War II, 339; and 20th Party Congress, 341; mission to Hungary, 343; dismissed and posted to Kazakhstan, 344, 345; seeks better relations with USA, 352; reviled at 22nd Party Congress, 360 malnutrition see food supply managers: courted by Bolsheviks, 95; protected, 194 ; and labour discipline, 243–4; discontent, 329; and Kosygin’s reforms, 379; opportunities reduced, 422; and Yeltsin’s reforms, 514–15; see also administrators

Manchuria, 255, 257, 273

Mandelshtam, Osip, 139, 248

Manuilski, Dmitri, 161

Mao Zedong, 311–12, 354, 378, 388

‘market, the’: under NEP, 144–5; under Stalin, 194–5, 244; under Yeltsin, 509, 512–15, 534, 535, 547; and criminal gangs, 512–13; and capitalism, 514

Marshall, George: European aid plan, 308, 310

Martov, Yuri, 59, 66

Marx, Karl, 92–3, 136, 317; Das Capital, 70

Marxism: organizations formed (1890s), 18; intellectual appeal, 19–20; dissemination of, 92, 136; as religion, 136; and withering away of state, 240

Marxism-Leninism: term adopted, 154; development of, 169; and Bukharin’s Right Deviation, 176; and Russian nationalism, 205, 207; and local party committees, 216; explained in A Short Course, 237–8; and administrators, 242; and cultural expression, 249, 281, 319; and post war young rebels, 299; and science, 318–19; absolutism, 324; and collective leadership, 332; Khrushchev promotes, 356; and non-Christian faiths, 370; lacks popular support, 418; Andropov’s belief in, 429–30; Yeltsin on discrediting of, 512

mass communication, 92–3, 191, 200, 358

Mayakovski, Vladimir, 137–9

Mazowiecki, Tadeusz, 483

Mazurov, K.T., 403

Medvedev, Dmitri, 559–62

Medvedev, Roy, 298, 366, 381, 412–14, 433, 449, 511

Medvedev, Vadim, 462, 486, 493

Medvedev, Zhores, 412, 445

Meir, Golda, 316

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