Rukh (Ukarinian popular front), 458, 481

rural life see agriculture; peasants

Russia (pre-Soviet): geography and definition, 3, 23, 128, 554; conditions before World War I, 6–7, 9; in World War I, 26–7; 1917/18 peace agreement, 75–7; territorial losses (1918), 84; see also Russian Socialist Federal Soviet Republic; Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Russian Academy of Sciences, 544

Russian Army (post-1991): formed, 518; in Chechnya, 533, 538, 541; corrupt management of, 533; unreadiness 533; incompetence

538; lack of political influence 538; see also Soviet Army

Russian Association of Proletarian Writers, 171, 201

Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks) see Communist Party of the Soviet Union

Russian Communist Workers’ Party, 524

Russian Congress of People’s Deputies, 514

Russian Empire see Russia (pre-Soviet)

Russian Federation see Russian Socialist Federal Soviet Republic

Russian language, 319, 367

Russian Liberation Army, 277, 300

Russian Orthodox Church see Orthodox Church

Russian Social-Democratic Workers’ Party, 14–15, 19–20, 71, 105

Russian Socialist Federal Soviet Republic (RSFSR; from 1936 Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic; now Russian Federation): formed, 84; Constitution, 88–9; state organization, 98, 103, 115–16, 129; autonomous republics in, 114, 129, 132, 391, 490; status, 114–16, 424; Party organization, 185; borders, 207; World War II casualties and damage, 296; part of East Prussia annexed to, 306; wage increases, 357; Bureau for, 367, 389; minorities in, 424; forms own Communist Party, 488–9; declares sovereignty (1990), 490; secession from USSR, 505; Yeltsin’s leadership, 511

Russian Supreme Soviet, 512–15, 521–4

Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, 515

Russians (people): geographical distribution, 23, 205; pro-Bolshevik sentiments, 83; and Bolshevik rule, 85, 128–9; in autonomous republics, 114; in RSFSR, 114–15; dominance, 132, 134, 329, 424, 478, 556; culture and identity, 205–8, 235, 246–7, 317–18, 423, 540–41, 553–4; serve in World War II, 283; casualties in World War II, 295–6; Stalin identifies with, 315–17, 554 ; and chauvinism, 316–17; Khrushchev downplays, 363, 367; in non- Russian republics, 366–7, 457–8; birth rate, 422; and nationalism, 458; in Baltic republics, 482; mentioned in ‘A Word to the People’ protest, 497; and end of USSR, 510; intimidated in successor states, 520; see also nationalism (Russian)

Russia’s Choice (Vybor Rossii; party), 526, 528

Rutskoi, Alexander, 495, 500–502, 512, 515–16, 521, 523–5

Ryabushinski, P.P., 39

Rybalchenko, General Stepan D., 299

Rychagov, General P.V., 241

Rykov, Alexei, 172, 176, 221

Ryutin, Mikhail, 188, 193, 213

Ryzhkov, Nikolai, 430–31, 434, 438–9, 441, 445, 450–51, 468–9, 472, 479, 489, 492–3

Saakashvili, Mikhail, 560

sabotage, 250, 471

Sadat, Anwar, 389

Saddam Hussein, 560

Safin, Marat, 559

sailors see navy

Sakhalin, 551

St Petersburg (Petrograd; Leningrad): Bloody Sunday (1905), 13; soviet in, 14, 35–6, 47, 58, 61, 65, 105; renamed Petrograd, 27; in World War I, 31–3; workers’ control in, 38–9; Military-Revolutionary Committee (of soviet), 65; in October Revolution, 65; capital moved to Moscow from, 78; industrial workers, 96–7; Trotski in, 105; prisoners shot in Red Terror, 108; discontent and strikes, 125; renamed Leningrad, 154; World War II siege, 261, 264, 266–7, 285; purge (1948–9), 337, 339; sabotage acts against Gorbachev, 471; economic buoyancy 541

Sajudis (Lithuanian nationalist organization), 457

Sakha (formerly Yakutia), 521

Sakhalin, 273, 308

Sakharov, Andrei, 366, 381–2, 412–14, 450, 465, 475, 487, 511, 573

Samara (sometime Kuibyshev), 101, 103, 106, 262

samizdat (self-publishing), 380–82, 414–15

Sanina, A.V., 322

Sarajevo, 25

Saratov, 73, 201

Sarkozy, Nicolas, 560

Sazonov, Sergei, 27

Schnittke, Alfred, 415

science and scientists, 247–8, 318, 324, 329

‘scissors’ crisis’, 155

Scott, John, 234

Secretariat (Party), 119, 148

Seleznev, Gennadi, 531

Semichastny, V.Ye., 364, 376, 385

Separation of Church from State, Decree on (1918), 90, 94

Serbia, 25

Sergei, Metropolitan (later Patriarch), 135, 205, 282

Serov, General I.A., 276

Seven-Year Plan (1959), 351

Shaimiev, Mintimer, 539, 552

Shakhnazarov, Georgi, 450, 486

Shakhrai, Sergei, 512

Shakhty coal-mine (Don Basin), 175

Shalatin, Stanislav, 492–3

Shalyapin, Fedr, 94

Shamil (Caucasus leader), 13, 316, 368

shares see capitalism

Shatalin, Stanislav, 492

Shatrov, Mikhail: Onward! Onward! Onward!, 450

Shchekino Chemical Association, 408

Shcherbytskiy, Volodymyr, 403, 428, 457–8, 481

Sheboldaev, B.P., 213

Shelepin, Alexander, 365, 376, 379–80, 384, 390, 405

Shelest, Petro, 390, 403

Shenin, Oleg, 496, 498–9

Shepilov, D.T., 338, 344

Shevardnadze, Eduard: opposes nationalism, 391; succeeds Mzhavanadze, 391; and position of minorities, 424; Gorbachev appoints Foreign Minister, 438, 512; in Politburo, 438, 456, 486; background and career, 439; supports Gorbachev, 441, 464; and Eastern Europe, 463; resigns (1990), 493–4; warns Gorbachev of coup, 496; at

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