Thorez, Maurice, 306

Tikhon, Patriarch, 54, 93–4, 135, 282

Tikhonov, Nikolai, 403–4, 422, 428, 434–5, 437, 439

Timashuk, Lidya, 324

timber, 4, 159

Tito, Josip Broz, 309–10, 332, 337, 340

Tizyakov, Alexander, 497, 499

Tobolsk, 54

Togliatti, Palmiro, 306, 339

Tojo, Hideki, 293

Tolmachev, V.N., 188

Tolstikov, V.S., 392

Tolstoy, Aleksei, 248–9

Tolstoy, Lev, 11, 17, 324

Tomski, Mikhail, 172, 176, 221

Torgsin organization, 193

torture: sanctioned in interrogation, 221

totalitarian theory, 235, 252

Toynbee, A., 536

tractors, 181

trade unions: set up in empire, 13; Party controversy over, 121–2; membership, 140; and labour movement, 144; Khrushchev and, 361; holiday centres, 409–10, 421; under Yeltsin, 514; see also Free Trade Union Association

trading: private, 517, 525–6

Trans-Siberian railway, 4, 38, 103

Transcaucasian Commissariat, 83

Transcaucasian Federation, 133, 207

Transcaucasus: Soviet republics in, 114, 133; independence movements, 482; see also Caucasus

travel (abroad), 357–8, 410

Treaty on the Economic Commonwealth (1991), 506

Trotski, Lev: arrested (1905), 14; works with Bolsheviks (1917), 49; imprisoned (1917), 50, 105; and Lenin’s call for seizure of power, 59, 61; leads Red Guards, 65; forms government with Lenin, 66–7; cleverness, 72; supports Lenin, 74; negotiates peace at Brest-Litovsk, 76–7; revolutionary aims, 82; Jewishness, 85, 201; and civil war, 101, 106; and Czechoslovak Legion, 103; background and character, 104–6; denounces Lenin for split with Mensheviks, 104; organizes Red Army, 104–6, 112; in Petrograd soviet, 104–5; demands immediate socialism, 105; advocates terror, 107, 112; administrative agreement with colleagues, 110; antipathy to Stalin, 112; in Politburo, 112; proposes labour armies, 120; imposes tax-in-kind, 121; proposals on unions, 121–2; supports NEP, 125; and Church, 135; on writers, 138; opposes NEP, 150–52; Lenin seeks support from, 151; planning principles, 151, 154–7; Lenin criticizes in political testament, 152; disagreements with Lenin, 153; and succession to Lenin, 154–5; Party hostility to, 156–5; and stabilization of capital, 159; in United Opposition, 160–61, 164; suppressed, 161; attacks Politburo foreign policy, 162; expelled from Party and exiled, 162, 164; calls for higher industrial prices, 164; deported, 176; accused of spying (1935), 216; supporters purged and sentenced, 216, 223; contact with clandestine groups in Russia, 218; assassinated, 231; denounced, 238; Khrushchev declines to rehabilitate, 341; The New Course, 156; Terrorism and Communism, 112

Trubetskoi, Nikolai, 128

Truman, Harry S., 272–3, 308, 312

Tsaritsyn see Stalingrad

Tsereteli, Irakli, 35–7, 49, 51

Tsushima, Battle of (1905), 14

Tsvetaeva, Marina, 248

Tukhachevski, Marshal Mikhail, 125, 127, 220, 240

Turgenev, Ivan, 11, 17

Turkestani Region, 115

Turkey: 1877–8 war with Russia, 1, 10; and Russian civil war, 102; wins provinces, 128; and Soviet Muslims, 133; in World War II, 258 ; US missile bases in, 374

Turkmenistan (and Turkmenia), 228, 490, 503, 506

Tuva, 521

Tvardovski, Alexander, 366

Tverdokhlebov, Andrei, 382

Typhoon, Operation (1941), 261

U-2 spy plane (US), 353

Uglanov, Nikolai, 172, 176

Ukraine: Russians in, 23, 520; Tsereteli proposed autonomy for, 37; Central Rada, 40–41, 49, 60, 75; Bolsheviks repress, 75; lost in 1918 peace agreement, 77–8, 84; 1917 grain production, 79; Lenin’s 1917 manifesto to, 83; land ownership in, 86; civil war in, 101; Soviet republic established, 107, 113, 114; collectivization, 109; Pilsudski invades, 120; status, 129; nationalism, 132, 367–8, 457–8; famine (1932–3), 184, 202, 207; education in, 190, 203; and collectivization, 202; repression in, 202–3; in World War II, 261, 264, 266–7, 269, 277, 283, 287, 339; post- World War II guerrillas in, 299; post-World War II deportations, 300; post-World War II famine, 304; post- World War II settlement, 306; Khrushchev’s policy on, 367–8; dissenters tried (1965), 390; and Chernobyl disaster, 445; Gorbachev visits, 456; independence movement, 481–2; non-cooperation with State Committee for the Emergency Situation, 503; referendum votes for independence (1991), 506–7; after communism, 535, 555, 570

Ukrainian Autocephalous Church, 203, 369

Ukrainian language, 316

Ulyanov family, 71

Ulyanov, Alexander (Lenin’s brother), 71

Ulyanov, Vladimir see Lenin, Vladimir I.

Ulyanova, Maria (Lenin’s sister), 153

unemployment, 55, 170, 356

‘Union Bureau’, 185

Union of Landowners, 39

Union for the Liberation of Ukraine, 200

Union of Right Forces (party), 561

Union of the Russian People, 11, 53

Union of Sovereign States: proposed, 505–7

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR): formed, 132–3; Constitution, 133 , 152; Western dislike of, 170, 398; post-World War II status, 294–5; rivalry with USA, 294, 301–2, 310, 312–13, 330, 336, 400; World War II damage and casualties, 295; in Cold War with USA, 312–13; at Stalin’s death, 328; as super-power, 397, 551; and detente with West, 399; Yeltsin’s proposals for, 505–6; ends, 507, 509–10; achievements, 550–51; passing regretted, 529; see also Commonwealth of Independent States

Union Treaty (Novo-Ogarevo agreement, 1991), 494–9, 506

Union of Writers: Congresses, (1934), 248; (1986), 448

Union of Writers of the RSFSR, 480

united front: Comintern disavows, 178

United Nations: formed, 294; and Korean war, 312; Gorbachev addresses Assembly (1988), 465, 468

United Opposition, 160–62, 164

United Russia (party), 552–3, 559

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