Once at the croak of a Raven who crost it,A barbarous people,Blind to the magic,And deaf to the melody,Snarl’d at and cursed me.A demon vext me,The light retreated,The landskip darken’d,The melody deaden’d,The Master whisper’d‘Follow The Gleam.’IVThen to the melody,Over a wildernessGliding, and glancing atElf of the woodland,Gnome of the cavern,Griffin and Giant,And dancing of FairiesIn desolate hollows,And wraiths of the mountain,And rolling of dragonsBy warble of water,Or cataract musicOf falling torrents,Flitted The Gleam.VDown from the mountainAnd over the level,And streaming and shining onSilent river,Silvery willow,Pasture and plowland,Innocent maidens,Garrulous children,Homestead and harvest,Reaper and gleaner,And rough-ruddy facesOf lowly labour,Slided The Gleam —VIThen, with a melodyStronger and statelier,Led me at lengthTo the city and palaceOf Arthur the king;Touch’d at the goldenCross of the churches,Flash’d on the Tournament,Flicker’d and bicker’dFrom helmet to helmet,And last on the foreheadOf Arthur the blamelessRested The Gleam.VIIClouds and darknessClosed upon Camelot;Arthur had vanish’dI knew not whither,The king who loved me,And cannot die;For out of the darknessSilent and slowlyThe Gleam, that had waned to a wintry glimmerOn icy fallowAnd faded forest,Drew to the valleyNamed of the shadow,And slowly brighteningOut of the glimmer,And slowly moving again to a melodyYearningly tender,Fell on the shadow,No longer a shadow,But clothed with The Gleam.VIIIAnd broader and brighterThe Gleam flying onward,Wed to the melody,