The minute a man feels vulnerable, he fears being devastated emotionally. When he meets a nice girl, she could potentially represent “forever.” Heaven forbid she lets the word relationship trip off her tongue a couple of times? Call 911. He immediately thinks she wants to latch onto him and have babies. Heaven forbid you get excited to see a cute baby? Trauma. He has nightmares and sees it as a sign that he’s in dire need of a backup form of birth control.

Sometimes you hear men say, “I want to leave my options open” or “I don’t want to get tied down.” Or they use catch phrases like ball and chain or henpecked. My favorite is a hyphenated term that begins with a female body part and is followed by the word whipped.

ATTRACTION PRINCIPLE #16 A bitch gives a man plenty of space so he doesn’t fear being trapped in a cage. Then… he sets out to trap her in his.

Clearly, men are scared to death of losing control of their freedom. The thought of being stuck with one woman frightens them. If a woman immediately acts as if she expects a man to behave like a serious boyfriend without much effort on his part, he’ll get scared and run off. With the nice girl, it only takes a few dates for him to feel trapped. And then “lock-down mode” begins.  

“I’d love it if you’d let me know where you are at night. It’s just common courtesy”. Limited supervised outings followed by checkin time with the warden.
“I get upset when you don’t call me when we aren’t together.” The ringing of the keys that are attached to his ball and chain.
“We should be together. Why do you need the boys if you have me?” “Lights out and lockdown” in fifteen minutes!
“I’d like to get married and have kids within a year.” Nothing. (Inmate on the loose.)

Suddenly, poof! The magic is gone. He panics about being an inmate crammed into a cell. By contrast, the bitchier woman is a little more aloof, so it appears as if she has far less interest in taking away his freedom or locking him down. This is one of the major qualities that attract a man to a bitch.

Ask yourself the following…

• Ever have a pillow fight and notice that you and your partner are more turned on?

• Ever notice that when you play-wrestle with a man, he gets all fired up?

• Ever notice when a man steps over the line and you put him in his place, he gets turned on?

• Ever wonder why the men you aren’t interested in won’t stop chasing you?

• When you’re dating someone and you don’t pay attention to him, does he seem more intrigued and chase you even more?

• Have you ever played with your pet and noticed that your man seems jealous?

To fully understand these occurrences, we must focus our attention on where the true answer lies: The Animal Channel.

Men are hunters, and like any hunting animal, they are more intrigued by conquering prey when it resists the predator. Most men are turned on by a bitch because it’s a thrill to take down a powerful woman.

Let’s look at how this has practical applications. A grad student named Nancy was taking an evening class, and she had an interest in a male classmate. He kept sitting closer and closer until finally he asked her out. She said, “Okay, I’d love to. But while we are in this class, I just want you to know that I’d like to keep it professional.” There was clearly an undeniable amount of chemistry between them, so her comment was hardly a deterrent. It became: Operation Get That Girl.

ATTRACTION PRINCIPLE #17 If you tell him you are not interested in jumping into a relationship with both feet, he will set out to try to change your mind.

The way to quell his fears is to say you aren’t interested in anything “too serious.” As long as you appear interested in him, he’ll keep coming your way. In his mind, you’ll always be able to be convinced otherwise because men are so conditioned to meeting women who want commitment. By not appearing to want commitment, you throw a monkey wrench in the lockdown program. He no longer knows what to expect.

This is how you get in the conductor’s seat of the train, and this is when he wants to stay on board. When he’s driving, there is no “thrill” and no “chase.” But when you’re driving, suddenly it’s a fun ride because he can’t anticipate what will happen next. (I submit to you, my fellow sisters, it’s very selfish not to indulge him in so much fun.)

Things You Can Say to Avoid the Cage

When you go on a first date, tell him you “don’t want to be in a serious relationship, for the time being.” (Of course, things may change.)

When you work together, say, “I don’t know if it’s a good idea for us to mix business with pleasure.” (You need a little convincing.)

When it’s a long-distance relationship, say, “I’m not sure long-distance relationships can work.” (Tentative is good.)

The opposite is also true. If, for example, you don’t like him and wish he’d stop calling, try, “Babies? I love babies! I want at least a half a dozen of them, maybe more. My clock is ticking so I’d like to have them soon. Real soon. Perhaps six of them in the next four years…” Keep talking about those babies.

This is the perfect approach for that friendly guy you aren’t interested in and you don’t want to hurt. It’s a perfect way to get rid of him. “Diapers? It’s easy to get the hang of it. And, don’t worry… you’ll get used to the smell of the poop! It won’t last too long, just until they get potty trained… .” Just make sure you’re on the ground floor when you tell him, so he doesn’t get hurt when he jumps off the balcony. (Open windows and high altitudes should also be avoided.)

If you don’t make him feel locked down, he’ll come your way. Think of him as a frightened stray dog. Eventually, he’ll drop his guard and come around. But if you charge at him or try to corner him, he’ll bolt.

This also relates to why men prefer bitches. When he meets a woman who is unavailable or a little bitchy, he has a built-in excuse for why he isn’t going to get too close. “She’s a bitch, so I won’t get too serious. I’ll just have a little fun,” he says to himself. Fun equals freedom. That is, until he gets attached and then it’s checkmate.

Вы читаете Why Men Love Bitches
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