

How to Make the Most of

Your Feminine and Sexual Powers

“Sex is like a small business.

Ya’ gotta watch over it.”


One Jujube at a Time

If you look at the run-of-the-mill survey of what men find attractive in a woman, you’ll get the basic, boring, predictable answers: “Studies have concluded that what men look for is… appearance, chemistry, and the way a woman carries herself.” What a shocker!

Then you turn the page. “Buy a new lip gloss… pluck out all your eyebrows and draw them back in… stick three vials of collagen in your glossed-up lips…” And this will get him eating out of your hand, right? Not in this life. You’ll be right back where you started but with no eyebrows.

Ever wonder why you see a gorgeous guy marry the girl-next-door? To your eye she looks plain, but to his eye she’s a “natural beauty.” It doesn’t matter if her most glamorous moment was winning the Miss Pumpkin Patch contest on a farm at age six. When he goes to bed with her, he’s happier than a fat rat in a cheese factory.

In general, there are two things a woman does to encourage a man to fall madly in love after he is attracted to her. First, she appeals to his imagination, sexually. Second, she waits a little while before consummating the relationship, sexually. This brings us to the “candy store” theory: Don’t give up the candy store at once. Give it one jujube at a time.

ATTRACTION PRINCIPLE #21 If a man has to wait before he sleeps with a woman, he’ll not only perceive her as more beautiful, he’ll also take time to appreciate who she is.

What men don’t want women to know is that, almost immediately, they put women into one of two categories: “good time only” or “worthwhile.” And the minute he slides you into that “good time only” category, you’ll almost never come back out.

It’s not that the bitch is slutty or more conservative—it’s that she demands that he treat her as though she is “worth-while.” And, more often than not, it means revealing her sexuality a little at a time.

With her demeanor, the bitch is subtly “driving that train.” Because he perceives her as slightly standoffish, he knows a lot of other men can’t get to her. In fact, he’s not even sure if he can have her. So he’ll rarely get the luxury of being able to assume that she’s a “good time only” companion.

The doormat is more likely to be perceived as a pushover sexually because she’s more likely to sleep with a man for the wrong reasons—and much too soon. It has nothing to do with whether she appears conservative. Whether her style is long skirts and a ponytail and she attends napkin-folding class—or she wears sexy clothes and seems like a party girl—the out-come can be the same. In either scenario, if she has sex with a man because she feels she needs to do so in order to win him, he’ll sense it and begin to lose respect for her.

A man named Brad described this distinction: “There are two types of sexy. The woman who is obviously trying to be sexy. Then there is the woman who isn’t trying to be sexy—she just is. Most guys find the second one to be much sexier. It may not seem like that, because the woman who is trying hard will get you to do a double-take because she’s more obvious about it. But the woman who isn’t trying is sexier. And that’s the girl you’ll take seriously.”

What is more interesting is that Brad is just out of college. And if a guy in his early twenties saw this with 20/20 vision, rest assured—so will most men you meet.

The following table shows how a man can quickly make these observations with relatively little information. Note that both types of women exude sexiness, yet one appears needy and the other doesn’t.

She talks a lot about sex on the first date or in the first phone conversation. She flirts more subtly and uses body language to convey her sensuality.
She wears an outfit that is very short, showing leg, cleavage, and back. Her sexuality is overstated. She follows the pattern of what he sees all the time. She shows one physical attribute. Or she wears something that’s slightly sheer. Her sexuality seems like it’s a part of who she is. It doesn’t seem forced.
She compliments him incessantly or hangs all over him. She keeps him interested by giving him compliments when he’s hoping to have sex, so he feels he’s “in the game.”
She wears a black lace teddy for him on the third date, leaving nothing for him to imagine. She hangs the same nightie on the back of her bathroom door, so he sees it when he uses her bathroom. Then his eyes almost burn a hole through her clothes as he imagines seeing her in it.
On the second date she invites him in. He promised they’d “just cuddle.” They end up sleeping together; but she ends up feeling insecure about it. He has then had the whole candy store. They kiss passionately at the door. She’d love to invite him in, but she controls her own urges and tells him good night on her porch.
The spark fizzles. The spark doesn’t fizzle… it ignites.

How long should you wait before having sex? As long as you can. At the very least, keep it platonic for the first month. This tactic gives you time to learn about him. You don’t want to wait until after you sleep with him to learn he’s married. Or that he has an ex-girlfriend who has chronic car problems and regularly needs a lift. Or that his first cousin recently dumped him when he cheated on her with her older sister.

Вы читаете Why Men Love Bitches
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