A textbook example of a sexual mixed message happened with my friend Pam. Last winter, she invited a guy to come into her home after a date because it was really cold in his car. She made hot chocolate and put on comfortable baggy flannel pajamas. They started to kiss. She assumed the flannel pajamas were so conservative that he wouldn’t perceive it as an invitation to have sex. She was surprised to discover that he had much more than hot chocolate on his mind.

Bedroom clothes are b-e-d-r-o-o-m clothes to a man. Wearing something cozy that you sleep in (even ugly boxers or flannel sleepers) will be perceived as a green light.

Even though he’ll subtly pressure you, if he really likes you, a part of him deep down will want you to make him wait. He wants to believe you are “different.” He wants you to think he is neat, cool, and handsome. He wants you to laugh at his jokes and think he is funny. He wants a goddess. He wants… Wonder Woman.

So how do you give him this impression? Simple. Let him pursue you and don’t give yourself over too easily. Throw on a pair of go-go boots and suddenly you become the Wonder Woman of his dreams.

The Sweet Spot

When a man and a woman become lovers, there are still behaviors that differentiate the doormat and the dreamgirl.

One of the biggest mistakes the nice girl makes is she competes with other women. She may ask him about another woman in the room, “Is she pretty?” Or, she may be competing with whatever she thinks he fantasizes about: a model, a centerfold, a stripper, or a porn star.

ATTRACTION PRINCIPLE #28 If he makes you feel insecure, let your insecurity be your guide.

It’s often said that a woman doesn’t reach her sexual peak until after she turns thirty. It takes a lot of women until then to overcome their insecurity or the feeling that they have to compete with other women. Sex becomes better because she can tell him what she likes. She’s more secure. She’s more assertive. She can let go because she is not self-conscious.

A lot of women feel pressured to live up to an ideal. Or they feel that in the bedroom they have to put on a riveting performance. I’ve even heard some men critique women and say, “The louder she screams, the better.”

A look at how widespread pornography has become only confirms how unrealistic the standards have become. Even porn movies utilize fake “voiceovers.” This means that the girl screaming, “Yes! Yes! Give it to me, yes!” is often a fully dressed 400-pound woman who is sitting on a stool in a studio and screaming into a microphone.

The bitch doesn’t usually define herself by outside standards. But often, women who are too nice are too busy trying to measure up. When a woman is too concerned with performance issues in bed, she completely forgets why she’s there in the first place. It’s not sex; it’s “animation” time.

How to Fake an Orgasm— The Animated Guide

• Arch your back at a 45-degree angle and pant like a dog.

• Recite a couple of bad lines from a B-rated blue movie. Example: Tell Big Poppa he does it for you like no one else can.

• And the basics: “Yes, yes, yes… harder, harder… don’t stop!” Then you’ll want to immediately slap the nearest pillow.

• Mix it up. This means sometimes you’ll want to slap the pillow then scream, other times you want to scream first, then slap the pillow. Men love variety.

• Don’t forget to suck your finger.

• Now for show and tell: Ask him whose “it” is, and tell him that it’s his!

• If he switches positions, stops for a rest, or reaches for a drink of water, pay no attention and keep screaming anyway.

• Now for the alleged orgasm: Scream like a ban-shee, and begin those Kegel exercises. Squeeze… release… squeeze… release.

• And after sex, don’t forget pillow talk. You’ve had two men before him. (Okay, three, tops. But that’s your final offer.)

WARNING: If your man sees this page, it could have an adverse effect (erectile dysfunction).

A bitch is far less likely to put on a “cartoon” show. She is much more honest. She asks for what she wants. If he doesn’t do it right, she won’t encourage him by giving disingenuous feedback. Yet then he doesn’t learn how to please her, and that won’t work because the bitch rightly cares about her own pleasure.

I don’t recommend that a woman fake an orgasm. This little lesson is a satire on the pressures women feel to perform. If a man makes you feel as though you are on stage competing in a pageant, don’t sleep with him.

It is much more of a turn-on to a man when a woman is able to be herself and she’s honest about what she likes and dislikes. A man loves watching a woman get off; it’s an automatic turn-on. And that’s much more important than putting on an award-winning performance.

ATTRACTION PRINCIPLE #29 A quality guy fantasizes about a woman who genuinely loves sex.

Half of pleasing him is getting off yourself, not faking it. It’s true that a man’s ego has to be stroked and properly dealt with, but that’s what your satisfaction accomplishes. The same principle that holds true outside the bedroom holds true inside the bedroom: The bitch can better please him because she is more concerned with pleasing herself. He knows without question that she loves every minute of it. And this feeds his ego like nothing else can.

The nice girl will also make the mistake of being disingenuous in other ways. For example, suppose she sleeps with him on the second date and he asks how many lovers she’s had. She gives the oldest line in the book: “I’ve only had three lovers.”

The bitch will not go there. She won’t sleep with a guy right away and then try to give the almost-virgin shtick: “I’ve only had three lovers… the first one hurt… the second wasn’t as good as you… the third one had three inches and thirty seconds of fury… and the fourth… uh, oops… there wasn’t a fourth. Okay, yes, there was a fourth. But we didn’t go all the way, so it doesn’t count… the fifth one doesn’t matter either because I was drunk….”

If you tell him you’ve had three lovers and you are over the age of a fetus, he’ll know you’re a straight-up liar. Show him with your actions that you are a classy woman by letting him wait. And if he pries or wants to know about your private life say, “I probably haven’t been with as many men as you’ve been with women.” If you become defensive as if you have something to hide, up goes the red flag.

What do you do when he boasts about his past conquests? The last thing you want to do is listen, because you’ll get the embellished version—and you might actually believe some of it is true.

The bitch is the woman who will look at her watch in an effort to drop a hint when he brings up another woman. She already knows what she has to offer is enough—take it or leave it. And if he doesn’t change the subject by the time she’s done winding her watch, she will. “Honey, I’m not one of the guys. Please don’t tell me about other women you’ve been with.”

Вы читаете Why Men Love Bitches
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