The bitch communicates differently from the nice girl. A bitch tells it like it is in a matter-of-fact way and gets her point across succinctly. The nice girl wears her heart on her sleeve and pours out her guts. And what does he hear? Nothing at all. However, he does see her neediness, which eventually turns him off.

The Dumb Fox Is More Mysterious

The dumb fox knows that familiarity breeds contempt, so she doesn’t spill her guts on the first couple of dates. She lets the “cream rise to the top” without rushing things.

When you first meet a man, don’t overcompensate by doing all the talking. Don’t talk constantly out of nervousness. Keeping cool and quiet will give you more appeal, not to mention the ability to wield more power.

I was once on a date with a man I had just met. He began to share all the sordid details of his last relationship. I had no desire to listen, but I didn’t criticize him or make him feel “wrong.” I was polite. I simply asked, “So John, what’s your workload like at the office this week?”

The dumb fox does not ask, “May we change the subject?” Permission isn’t necessary.

The dumb fox also doesn’t tell him about her past relationships. You’re “a prize,” and you don’t have a long list of calamities to report. He doesn’t need to know that your ex-husband stole your appliances, is defaulting on his child support, and has a Mafioso brother who is doing time for racketeering. If he’s classy, he won’t be impressed that your last boyfriend is “still stalking you and can’t let go.”

If he asks about your ex, you say, “We went our separate ways.” Here’s another option: “We wanted different things.” The dumb fox relies on a “vague generality” when he asks for information that’s none of his business.

As far as what you disclose? Don’t volunteer bad information about yourself. He doesn’t need to know that you’re insecure about your thighs or that you haven’t been on a date in 7.2 months. Inquiring minds do not need to know.

Men automatically assume that, if you’re interested, you’ll do anything to “nail him down.” He immediately thinks you want “exclusivity”; you want to break open the hope chest and have babies with him. It’s important for him to think you’re different: You are relaxed, secure, and happy with him or without him. This is known as the happy-go-lucky formula, described in Attraction Principle #42.

ATTRACTION PRINCIPLE #42 When you are always HAPPY; And he is always free to GO; He feels LUCKY

If you want to talk about your favorite ice cream, go for it. Traveling to Belize? Yes. Your problems at work or your disappointing visit to the fertility doctor? No.

It’s perfectly okay to leave some of his questions about you unanswered. In fact, it is advisable to do so. When all is said and done, a person shows you who he or she is. No one will come out and tell you. Therefore, what a person shows you with actions is the only language that matters.

The Dumb Fox Is True to Herself

The fox is the smaller animal, and in the animal kingdom, the smaller animal is the prey. Therefore, the fox knows it is incumbent on her to look out for her own best interests, especially in the beginning of a relationship. On the other hand, the nice girl believes everything she’s told because it sounds good, which puts her out there to get hurt. The fox knows that, in the beginning, a man is likely to “flower up” his intentions; therefore, she must stay alert.

“I want sex and only sex, with no strings attached.” “I’m interested in having a long term relationship!”
“Give me sex, and I’ll pretend to be your boyfriend for a week.” “Trust me.”
“Hey can I rotate you with three other women, like a pitching staff?” “You are so different.”
“Wanna be the flavor of the month?” “I am so tired of the dating scene.”

Trivia question: Which guy scores more women: the guy who “flowers up” his intentions, or the guy who tells it like it is? The point is, if he has a hidden agenda the last thing he’ll do is spell it out for her. So it’s up to the fox to figure things out on her own.

The reason the dumb fox doesn’t reveal what she observes is that he’ll show his true colors much more quickly when he doesn’t realize he is being watched. When a man talks about himself or past relationships, he may do so as a way of helping her “get to know him.” Rather than getting into heavy question-and-answer sessions, the fox keeps the conversation light. Why? The truest things are said in jest. He’ll tell you everything you need to know in passing conversation, with a joke or an off-the-cuff remark here and there. If he’s a wolf dressed up as a sheep, his whiskers will inevitably pop out.

When the dumb fox senses something’s “just not right” with a man’s character, she does not bring it to his attention. The only conversation the dumb fox has is between her two ears. As President Lyndon B. Johnson said, “You’ve got to know when to keep your mouth shut.”

When you tell someone who may be manipulating you what you observe, he will immediately try to talk you out of it. He’ll say, “You’re insecure” or “You’re prejudging me.” Are you prejudging him? You had better be. The only mistake is letting him know it.

The dumb fox is selfreliant. She judges people by her own experiences. The dumb fox takes better care of herself and makes better choices because she lets time elapse and she watches to see how the man behaves. She trusts her observations and she trusts her animal instincts.

No hunted animal gives the “benefit of the doubt.” The fox senses danger and hightails it out of there. Never be around a person who has shown you he is a hurtful person. If he does this by accident, that’s one thing. But if he’s hurtful on purpose? Game over. You’ve learned everything you need to know.

In the beginning, have fun and go out… but keep your cards close to your vest. Most important,

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