The nice girl dismisses what she used to value and what used to be important in her life. The bitch values her priorities, her values, and her preferences. Always.
He is the boss… of her. She stays the boss… of herself.
The nice girl searches for a sign from him to see when the closeness is “too much.” The bitch acts as her own guide. She doesn’t allow him an opportunity to be bored.
He is the boss… of her. She stays the boss… of herself.
The nice girl senses how happy he is, paying close attention to his approval of her. The bitch doesn’t obsess over his opinion or need his approval.
He is the boss… of her. She stays the boss… of herself.
When he’s “into it” with the nice girl, she feels good; when he snubs her, she feels bad. The bitch has more confidence, so someone else’s mood doesn’t have much impact. Instead she plays tennis.
He is the boss… of her. She stays the boss… of herself.
The nice girl treats her interests as “little things” or secondary. The bitch doesn’t treat her interests as minor little things. They are her things.
He is the boss… of her. She stays the boss… of herself.
The nice girl gives too much first, and then negotiates reciprocity later. The bitch gives only when it is reciprocal.
He is the boss… of her. She stays the boss… of herself.

When a relationship starts off at lightning speed, the man will at some point pull back to regain his need for space and then the woman will be left off-balance. It’s then that the nice girl appears needy, trying to “win back” his affections. This is when she jumps through hoops. A man loses respect for a woman who needs his approval, particularly when she will overcompensate to get it.

A man needs to “bring offerings.” He needs to be on his toes a little bit. He has to make sure his shoes are tied, his pants are pulled up, and his manners are existent. When he opens car doors, when he minds his p’s and q’s, and when he shows his best manners, it means she has his respect. In this way, she remains a bit of a bitch in his eyes because he has to keep himself in check; he doesn’t relax in terms of how he behaves around her.

ATTRACTION PRINCIPLE #46 The second a woman works overtime to make herself fit his criteria, she has lowered the standard of that relationship.

As long as a woman stays in control of remaining who she is, he will need her. When a man thinks about a woman who has control over herself, he automatically thinks about her preferences and about ways to please her.

Women are much more likely to cancel plans. Men don’t give up “boys’ night out.” Men don’t give up their work, or their sleep, or their food. (Most don’t even give up their mothers.) Likewise, they respect a woman who will hold onto what is important to her.

When was the last time you heard a guy call his barber and say, “Yeah, Sam… I’ll need to cancel my 2:15 haircut. Sally and I need to spend more time bonding.” It just ain’t happening. It doesn’t matter if you swung from the chandelier the night before with show-stopping sex accompanied by screaming that scared off the alley cats. At 2:15, your man will belong to Sam. Men can shift gears from romantic to practical—and so can the bitch. She speaks to him in his own language.

The nice girl, however, is too needy to let go. “But he did all of the pursuing,” says the nice girl. This may be true, but you have the power to decide when you show up—and this is how you stay the boss of you.

Even in a racing event, the car has to pull into the pit to have the tires changed or it won’t be able to stay on the track, it won’t be able to control its direction, and it will lose traction. Men don’t always think long term, so if you let him control the speed, he’s likely to let the relationship crash at high speed into a wall. As the adage goes, “The candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long.” That’s why you absolutely must set the pace and keep your own rhythm. Otherwise, he’ll have you jumping through hoops. Again, it doesn’t matter if he wants to see you constantly. Even if he’s an incredible guy and you feel great temptation, don’t give him all of your time.

In the beginning, try to see him two-thirds of the time that he asks. For the remaining third, you have “something else going on.” Don’t sit at home twiddling your thumbs waiting for his next call. Keep in mind that this isn’t about “playing hard to get.” Keep it real. Force yourself to keep the routine you had before you met him. Once you lose your rhythm, you lose your psychological equilibrium and you become needy.

My former roommate Gale was always very good at this. She’d often turn off her ringer and wouldn’t take any calls. In the afternoon, if she felt tired and wanted to stay home for the evening, she’d cancel her date. She’d have a glass of wine and chill with a good book or her favorite TV program. Gale always had a quality man pursuing her.

Being a bitch isn’t about exuding a certain kind of arrogance. Contrary to what the media would have us believe, it doesn’t matter how “hip,” “cool,” or “cocky,” you appear to be. Power is the control you have over

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