little bit cavalier. They believe that women disrespect men who appear weak or vulnerable.

What you can take away from this is: Do not take it personally if he doesn’t call for a day or two. Often when it seems as though he’s slightly rejecting you, it can be a compliment in disguise; he wants you so much that he doesn’t want to appear too obvious about it. Other times men pull back deliberately to see what your reaction will be, because they are curious to see how much you care. If you don’t believe me, keep reading. Here’s what these sneaky devils copped to:

1. “Guys want women to think they have other options with women, even when they don’t. So they exaggerate. They do it to make themselves look more attractive to a woman.”

2. “Sure, men play cool. Because they think the woman is going to find them more attractive or appealing. I know some guys that check out a woman who isn’t even that beautiful, just to make his girlfriend a little insecure.”

3. “Guys don’t want to admit it to themselves that one woman can have that kind of control over them. It deflates our egos to think that women can affect us that much. We don’t want to feel like we have no control over ourselves.”

ATTRACTION PRINCIPLE #68 In the beginning, the only thing you need to pay attention to is whether he keeps coming around, because he’ll only be able to suspend or hide his emotions for so long.

4. “I may not call a girl too much in the beginning because I don’t want to give the impression that I’m too eager.”

5. “Guys are just as emotional as women are. They just don’t show it because society says you aren’t supposed to. As a guy, you have to appear to be in control of yourself ”.

6. “When she acts like she doesn’t care, it can scare you. Women can crush men and they don’t even know it. If a woman puts her foot down and walks away? It can crush a guy…”

7. “If a man is really falling for a particular woman, a lot of times he’ll try to conceal it. Very few men will ever break down and cry over a woman in front of her.”

8. “Of course men play cool… to get women interested in us. We want women to like us and don’t want them to think we are too eager. If you show you’re too interested right off the bat, women will think you are desperate.”

9. “Sometimes I’ll pretend to ignore a woman in the beginning, or I won’t call as much to keep a woman’s interest. No guy wants to look too desperate.”

10. “Men are needier sexually. Women can control their sex drives, whereas men are controlled by theirs.”

11. “Guys do it to appeal to women. Most guys believe that nice guys finish last and that women on some level want a bad boy”.

12. “If you appear weak, people take advantage of you. Some men think if you open up too much, a woman will use it against you.”

13. “If you let a woman know that you haven’t been in the company of a woman recently, she could get the impression you’re desperate or just trying to be with any woman.”

14. “Women are in control, because they control the sex. In fact, women have a lot more control than they know. A lot of guys feel like this puts us at a disadvantage.”

15. “When a guy plays cool, he thinks he’s impressing the woman with his power or his strength. He’s just trying to be hip, like he knows what’s up. No guy wants to be perceived as a Mommy’s boy or a wimp.”

ATTRACTION PRINCIPLE #69 Men treat women the way they treat other men. They “play it cool” because they don’t want to appear weak or desperate.

The Top Fifteen Male Views on Keeping the Romance Alive

A number of men also spoke to me about keeping the passion alive, particularly those who are married or have been married. During this part of the interview, I always felt like it was a word game. I said “romance,” and they thought sex. I said “passion,” and they thought sex. I said “new experiences,” and they thought about sex. I said, “variety”, and they responded with a question, “You mean sex, right?” Given this, the most obvious thing men would want a woman to take away from a conversation on the subject of how to keep the passion alive is with respect to… you guessed it… sex! While men are less likely to talk about feelings, they still need to feel connected with the person they are in love with and it’s equally important for them to keep the magic “spark.” When a man stops having sex, he starts to doubt his manhood, and his desirability gets called into question. It isn’t just about the physical act.

1. “A guy needs to always feel that he’s desirable to his wife or girlfriend. We need that feedback.”

2. “Do something different in bed. Anything. As long as it’s different than what he’s used to. The element of surprise is a turnon. If you always get on top, do it sideways.”

3. “Late in the evening you’re so exhausted. The daily grind can really take the passion out of a relationship. You have to make the time for each other. Go out for a dinner and get a babysitter if you have to.”

4. “People use the excuse of money, time, being away from the kids to stop being intimate or romantic. It’s really important to keep the passion.”

5. “Men like a woman to be creative so it doesn’t get stale. If she’s too predictable because you talk about the relationship all the time instead of going out and having one, he’ll get bored quickly”.

6. “Recently, my wife and I started leaving the kids with family once a month and we go away for a Friday night or a Saturday night. It keeps the romance alive. It’s the adult conversation one-on-one.”

7. “It’s easy to say, ‘We can’t afford to eat out.’ Or, ‘We can’t afford to go away for the weekend.’ The bills may be racking up or you feel like you should spend the money on the kids. But you really can’t afford to give up the romantic things or your sex life. It’s also very important.”

ATTRACTION PRINCIPLE #70 The element of surprise both inside and outside of the bedroom is important to men, and it adds to the excitement.

8. “Anything that surprises a guy will add excitement. It’s about having new experiences with someone.”

9. “If a guy keeps getting turned down sexually, eventually the passion will die. Guys want sex a minimum of a couple of times a week, and ideally, they want a woman who doesn’t have to be asked.”

10. “Just once I would like to have a woman take my hand and lead me to the bedroom. Guys always have to be the aggressors. We always have to do the work to get a woman ‘in the mood.’ Sometimes guys just don’t want to have to work that hard.”

11. “I like a woman who takes the initiative sexually from time to time. Maybe not the first time, but definitely when you are in a relationship. It makes him feel like you want him more.”

12. “I think it keeps the romance if you have time apart even when you’re living together. It is important to be able to do stuff alone and not have her give you a hard time about it. When I go fishing, I find that I really miss

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