ATTRACTION PRINCIPLE #73 Don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself or speak your mind. It will not only earn his respect, in some cases it will even turn him on.

11. “I like a woman to put me in my place, if I know I deserve it. What is sexy is when a woman is comfortable enough with her own power. Or when she isn’t so timid or afraid to rock the boat.”

12. “A man respects a woman who won’t tolerate being treated badly”.

13. “I treat women as equals, so I like to compete in a fun way with my wit. I like a woman who mentally challenges me in a fun way by bantering with me, or with her sense of humor. It can be competitive in a playful kind of way”.

14. “I actually like a woman with a little bit of a temper. Because then I know she won’t let me take advantage of her. Pride is sexy”.

15. “A woman who is feisty is sexually stimulating. You assume she’ll be wilder. With a nice girl, you are afraid she’ll run home and tell her mommy what you did to her.”

ATTRACTION PRINCIPLE #74 Men often automatically assume that a bitchier woman will be more assertive in bed, and that a nice girl will be more timid.

The Top Ten Ways to Tell Whether a Man Is in Love

Since men are so good at hiding the way they feel, a woman often wonders how she can tell whether a man is in love with her or just “going through the motions.” Here is the most important thing to remember when asking yourself this question: If you have to second-guess whether he loves you, and you’ve been together for a very long time, you might be settling for less.

What the men shared with me is that it’s often the little things a man will do for a woman that are most telling.

1. “You know a guy’s in love when it’s a Monday night and she says, ‘Why don’t we do this?’ and he does. He’s in love when he starts to regularly pick her over his friends.”

2. “When he seems to be overjoyed. Suddenly he’s really happy and he seems different. When he suddenly appears more alive to his friends and family.”

3. “You know a guy is ‘in deep’ when he’ll let the girl keep feminine stuff in the house. Suddenly he’s proud to have feminine decor. He’ll buy the furniture that she likes. And he’ll let her keep tampons under his sink. He’ll want her in his life in every way.”

4. “He’ll start taking better care of himself, and he’ll start to think about long term. Financially, physically, and in every other way”.

5. “He’ll go out of his way [for her]. He’ll fly to see her. If she has a craving, he’ll get out of bed to get her a doughnut in the middle of the night.”

6. “Men are into variety until they fall madly in love. If he really wants one woman, it doesn’t matter who else he can have because he wants to be with her. Other women aren’t a threat when he’s attached. A lot of temptations go away when you really fall hard.”

7. “When he thinks about her all the time, when he does thoughtful things for her, or when he’s always thinking of ways to please her.”

8. “Suddenly, he feels like he can stop looking around the corner for someone else.”

9. “When he’s willing to do something out of character to please her. He never thought of having children or getting married, but with this woman he is willing to do all of the above.”

10. “She won’t have to ask. She’ll just know it in her gut.”

ATTRACTION PRINCIPLE #75 When a man falls in love, suddenly he’ll go out of his way and think nothing of it. He’ll do things for this woman he wouldn’t have done for anyone else.

Much of the advice given in this book has been based on the admissions men have made to me. At one point, I asked a doctor named George why he won’t share this secret information with his partner. He answered, “Because with you there is no consequence. But with her there would be a consequence.” The consequence George is speaking of is a loss of power for men. In other words, the attraction a man has for a feisty or bitchy woman is rarely something he’ll want her to know about.

I knew the information the men were giving up was not only truthful but also very loaded, because there was such a “hush, hush” quality to it. Men would regularly ask me not to use their names because they said that other men would feel betrayed by what they had disclosed.

Obviously, it’s helpful to know how men think. But the information in this chapter isn’t intended to give you ways to work even harder to appease a man. The nice girl does that already, to a fault. If there are two eggs in a frying pan, she’ll take the broken yolk for herself. If she bakes two cookies and one breaks, she’ll keep the broken one and give him the good cookie. The nice girl has no idea why overcompensating backfires when it’s done day-in and day-out. She doesn’t realize that she becomes so involved in him that she loses herself, and in the process, she risks losing him as well.

Refer to the Top Fifteen Lists in this chapter again and again, but don’t take the information and work even harder to please your man. Instead of working so hard to please him, work harder to please yourself… because ultimately, this is what will truly please him.





The Reasons That Holding Your Own

Financially Gives You Power

“Elegance does not consist of

putting on a new dress.”


Financial Independence: Who Has the Title on You?

There’s one aspect of holding your own in a relationship that cannot be overlooked: money. Many women dream of having a knight in shining armor pay all the bills. The part they don’t show is what happens after Prince Charming sweeps you off your feet. If he’s paying all the bills in the castle, he’ll also be calling the shots. That is when the princess stops feeling like a princess and starts feeling like a servant.

Вы читаете Why Men Love Bitches
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