Now the brown, furry creature got up and shambled towards him (и тут бурое мохнатое существо встало и вразвалку пошло к нему; to shamble — волочить ноги, тащиться, ходить неуклюже). It cleared its throat (оно откашлялось: «прочистило свое горло»). Its expression was still one of sympathy (выражение /его глаз/ было по-прежнему выражением сострадания = глаза выражали сочувствие). It touched its own right eye, its own left wrist (оно коснулось своего правого глаза, /затем/ своего левого предплечья).

salve [sxv, sRv] sympathy [`sImpqTI] wrist [rIst]

Corum looked at his left arm. Something had been smeared on the stump and there was no pain there any more. He put his right hand to his right eye and touched sticky stuff that must have been the same salve as that which was on his stump.

Birds sang in the nearby woods. The sky was clear and blue. If it were not for his injuries, Corum might have thought the events of the last few weeks a black dream.

Now the brown, furry creature got up and shambled towards him. It cleared its throat. Its expression was still one of sympathy. It touched its own right eye, its own left wrist.

`How — pain (как — болит)? it said in a slurred tone, obviously voicing the words with difficulty (сказало существо невнятно, явно с трудом произнося слова; to slur — пропускать; произносить невнятно; писать неразборчиво; tone — звук, тон; интонация).

`Gone (/боль/ прошла), Corum said. `I thank you, brown man, for your help in rescuing me (благодарю тебя, мохнатый человек, за твою помощь в спасении меня = за то, что спас меня; to rescue — спасать, выручать; избавлять).

The brown man frowned at him (мохнатый человек нахмурился), evidently not understanding all the words (очевидно, не понимая всех слов). Then it smiled and nodded its head and said (потом улыбнулся, кивнул головой и сказал):

`Good (хорошо).

`Who are you (кто ты)? Corum said. `Who was it you brought last night (кого ты приводил /с собой/ прошлой ночью; to bring)?

The creature tapped its chest (существо хлопнуло себя по груди).

obviously [`ObvIqslI] rescuing [`reskjHIN] brought [brLt]

`How — pain? it said in a slurred tone, obviously voicing the words with difficulty.

`Gone, Corum said. `I thank you, brown man, for your help in rescuing me.

The brown man frowned at him, evidently not understanding all the words. Then it smiled and nodded its head and said:


`Who are you? Corum said. `Who was it you brought last night?

The creature tapped its chest.

`Me Serwde (я — Сервд; me — меня, мне /косвенный падеж от I/, разговорная форма I). Me friend of you (я — твой друг).

`Serwde, said Corum, pronouncing the name poorly (сказал Корум, с трудом выговаривая имя; to pronounce — объявлять; произносить, выговаривать; poorly — бедно, плохо; безуспешно). `I am Corum. And who was the other being (а кто был вторым /существом/)?

Serwde spoke a name that was far more difficult to pronounce than his own (Сервд произнес имя, которое было намного сложнее произнести, чем его собственное; to speak). It seemed a complicated name (оно казалось составным именем = похоже, оно состояло из нескольких слов).

`Who was he? I have never seen a being like him (я никогда не видел существа, подобного ему). I have never seen a being like yourself (я никогда не видел существа, похожего на тебя = таких как ты), for that matter (коли на то пошло). Where do you come from (откуда ты; to come from — приходить; происходить)?

Serwde gestured about him (обвел /рукой/ вокруг себя).

pronouncing [prq`naunsIN] complicated [`kOmplIkeItId] gestured [`GesCqd]

`Me Serwde. Me friend of you.

`Serwde, said Corum, pronouncing the name poorly. `I am Corum. And who was the other being?

Serwde spoke a name that was far more difficult to pronounce than his own. It seemed a complicated name.

`Who was he? I have never seen a being like him. I have never seen a being like yourself, for that matter. Where do you come from?

Serwde gestured about him.

`Me live here (живу здесь). In forest (в лесу). Forest called Laahr (лес называется Лаар). My master live here (мой хозяин живет здесь). We live here many, many, many days (мы живем здесь /уже/ много, много, много дней) — since before Vadhagh, you folk (до вадагов, твоего народа).

`And where is your master now (а где твой хозяин теперь)? Corum asked again.

`He gone (он ушел). Not want be seen folk (не хочет быть увиденным людьми = не любит, чтобы его видели).

And now Corum dimly recalled a legend (и теперь Корум смутно вспомнил легенду). It was a legend of a creature that lived even further to the west than the people of Castle Erorn (то была легенда о создании, которое жило даже дальше к западу = западнее, чем люди замка Эрорн). It was called by the legend the Brown Man of Laahr (оно называлось по легенде Мохнатым Человеком из Лаара). And this was the legend come to life (это была легенда, /которая/ ожила = и это была не сказка). But he remembered no legend concerning the other being (но Корум не помнил никаких легенд о другом существе; concerning — касательно, относительно) whose name he could not pronounce (чье имя он не мог произнести).

master [`mRstq] legend [`leG (q) nd] concerning [kqn`sq: nIN]

`Me live here. In forest. Forest called Laahr. My master live here. We live here many, many, many days — since before Vadhagh, you folk.

`And where is your master now? Corum asked again.

`He gone. Not want be seen folk.

And now Corum dimly recalled a legend. It was a legend of a creature that lived even further to the west than the people of Castle Erorn. It was called by the legend the Brown Man of Laahr. And this was the legend come to life. But he remembered no legend concerning the other being whose name he could not pronounce.

`Master say place nearby will tend you good (хозяин говорит, /есть/ место недалеко, /где/ тебе будет хорошо; to tend — заботиться, ухаживать; присматривать), said the Brown Man.

`What sort of place, Serwde (что за место, Сервд)?

`Mabden place (мабденское место).

Corum smiled crookedly (Корум улыбнулся криво).

`No, Serwde. The Mabden will not be kind to me (мабдены не будут добры ко мне).

`This different Mabden (это другие мабдены).

`All Mabden are my enemies (все мабдены — мои враги). They hate me (они ненавидят). Corum looked

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