at his stump (Корум посмотрел на свою культю). `And I hate them (а я ненавижу их).

`These old Mabden (это старые мабдены). Good Mabden (хорошие мабдены).

`Master say place nearby will tend you good, said the Brown Man.

`What sort of place, Serwde?

`Mabden place.

Corum smiled crookedly.

`No, Serwde. The Mabden will not be kind to me.

`This different Mabden.

`All Mabden are my enemies. They hate me. Corum looked at his stump. `And I hate them.

`These old Mabden. Good Mabden.

Corum got up and staggered (Корум поднялся и пошел, шатаясь). Pain began to nag in his head (боль начала пульсировать в его голове; to nag — изводить; болеть, ныть), his left wrist began to ache (левое запястье заныло; to ache — болеть; ломить, ныть). He was still completely naked (он по-прежнему был совершенно нагим) and his body bore many bruises and small cuts, but it had been washed (его тело несло = было покрыто множеством синяков и небольшими порезами, но было вымыто).

Slowly it began to dawn on him that he was a cripple (медленно = постепенно ему становилось ясно, что он калека; to dawn — начинаться; проясняться, осенять). He had been saved from the worst of what Glandyth had planned for him (его спасли от худшего из /того/, что Гландит задумал для него), but he was now less of a being than he had been (но теперь он был меньше человеком, чем был раньше = теперь он стал недочеловеком). His face was no longer pleasing for others to look at (его лицо больше не было приятным для других, чтобы смотреть на /него/ = привлекательное лицо было изуродовано). His body had become ugly (его тело стало безобразным; ugly — уродливый, мерзкий).

And the wretch that he had become (и развалина, которой он стал; wretch — несчастный, жалкий человек) was all that was left of the noble Vadhagh race (была всем, что осталось от благородного народа вадагов). He sat down again and he began to weep (он снова сел и начал плакать = заплакал).

ache [eIk] naked [`neIkId] dawn [dLn] pleasing [`plJzIN] noble [`nqubl]

Corum got up and staggered. Pain began to nag in his head, his left wrist began to ache. He was still completely naked and his body bore many bruises and small cuts, but it had been washed.

Slowly it began to dawn on him that he was a cripple. He had been saved from the worst of what Glandyth had planned for him, but he was now less of a being than he had been. His face was no longer pleasing for others to look at. His body had become ugly.

And the wretch that he had become was all that was left of the noble Vadhagh race. He sat down again and he began to weep.

Serwde grunted and shuffled about (Сервд ворчал /что-то/ и ковылял вокруг). He touched Corum's shoulder with one of his hand-like paws (он коснулся плеча Корума одной из своих лап, похожих на руки). He patted Corum's head, trying to comfort him (погладил Корума по голове, пытаясь утешить его; to pat — похлопывать, шлепать; гладить; to comfort — утешать, успокаивать).

Corum wiped his face with his good hand (Корум вытер лицо /от слез/ здоровой рукой; good — хороший, свежий; здоровый).

`Do not worry, Serwde (не беспокойся, Сервд). I must weep for if I did not I should almost certainly die (я должен плакать, потому что если я не буду, /то/ почти наверняка умру /от горя/). I weep for my kin (я оплакиваю своих родных). I am the last of my line (я последний /представитель/ своего народа); line — линия, строка; генеалогия, происхождение). There are no more Vadhagh but me (больше нет вадагов, кроме меня) …

`Serwde too (Сервд тоже). Master too (хозяин тоже), said the Brown Man of Laahr. `We have no more people like us (больше нет людей, подобных нам).

`Is that why you saved me (поэтому вы спасли меня)?

paw [pL] comfort [`kAmfqt] almost [`Llmqust] die [daI]

Serwde grunted and shuffled about. He touched Corum's shoulder with one of his hand-like paws. He patted Corum's head, trying to comfort him.

Corum wiped his face with his good hand.

`Do not worry, Serwde. I must weep for if I did not I should almost certainly die. I weep for my kin. I am the last of my line. There are no more Vadhagh but me…

`Serwde too. Master too, said the Brown Man of Laahr. `We have no more people like us.

`Is that why you saved me?

`No (нет). We helped you because Mabden were hurting you (мы помогли тебе, потому что мабдены мучили тебя; to hurt — причинять боль; ранить, повреждать).

`Have the Mabden ever hurt you (мабдены когда-нибудь мучили вас)?

`No. We hide from them (мы прячемся от них). Their eyes had never seen us (их глаза никогда нас не видели). We hide from Vadhagh, the same (мы прячемся от вадагов тоже).

`Why do you hide (почему вы прячетесь)?

`My master know (мой хозяин знает). We stay safe (мы остаемся в безопасности).

`It would have been well for the Vadhagh if they had hidden (было бы хорошо вадагам, если бы они прятались = жаль, что вадаги не спрятались). But the Mabden came so suddenly (но мабдены пришли так внезапно). We were not warned (мы не были предостережены = были застигнуты врасплох). We left our castles so rarely (мы покидали замки так редко), we communicated among ourselves so little, we were not prepared (общались между собой так мало, мы не были готовы).

warned [wLnd] rarely [`reqlI] communicated [kq`mjHnIkeItId] prepared [prI`peqd]

`No. We helped you because Mabden were hurting you.

`Have the Mabden ever hurt you?

`No. We hide from them. Their eyes had never seen us. We hide from Vadhagh, the same.

`Why do you hide?

`My master know. We stay safe.

`It would have been well for the Vadhagh if they had hidden. But the Mabden came so suddenly. We were not warned. We left our castles so rarely, we communicated among ourselves so little, we were not prepared.

Serwde only half understood what Corum was saying (Сервд лишь наполовину понимал, что Корум говорил), but he listened politely until Corum stopped, then he said (но он слушал вежливо, пока Корум не остановился, /а/ затем сказал):

`You eat (ты ешь). Fruit good (плоды хорошие). You sleep (спи). Then we go to Mabden place (потом пойдем к месту мабденов).

`I want to find arms and armour, Serwde (я хочу найти оружие и доспехи, Сервд). I want clothes (мне нужна одежда). I want a horse (лошадь). I want to go back to Glandyth and follow him until I see him alone (я хочу вернуться к Гландиту и идти за ним, пока не встречу его одного; to follow — идти за, следовать; преследовать). Then I want to kill him (затем я хочу убить его). After that, I will wish only to die (а после этого я хочу лишь умереть).

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