gown of embroidered samite (она носила платье из украшенной вышивкой парчи) containing a multitude of rich colours (множества ярких цветов; to contain — содержать, включать в себя). She smiled at him (она улыбнулась ему).

leisure [`leZq] gentleness [`GentlnIs] multitude [`mAltItjHd]

`As you like, Sir Vadhagh. I, for one, will go in. I trust you will follow me at your leisure.

Corum watched him enter the doorway and disappear. He remained on the roof, watching the seabirds drift, dive and climb. With his good hand, he stroked the stump of his left hand and shivered. A strong wind was beginning to blow and it was cold and he was naked. He glanced towards the doorway.

A woman stood there. She seemed quiet and self-contained and had a gentleness about her. Her long black hair was soft and fell to below her shoulders. She was wearing a gown of embroidered samite containing a multitude of rich colours. She smiled at him.

`Greetings (приветствую /тебя/; greeting — приветствие, поклон), she said. `I am Rhalina (я Ралина). Who are you, sir (кто ты, господин)?

`I am Corum Jhaelen Irsei (я Корум Джаелен Ирсеи), he replied (ответил он). Her beauty was not that of a Vadhagh (ее красота не была красотой вадага = была непривычной), but it affected him none the less (но она поразила его, тем не менее; to affect — оказывать действие; волновать, затрагивать; поражать). `The Prince in the (Принц в) …

`- Scarlet Robe (Алом Плаще)? She was plainly amused (она явно /раз/веселилась; to amuse — развлекать/ся/, позабавить). `I speak the old Vadhagh tongue as well as the common speech (я говорю на древнем вадагском языке так же, как и на обычном = современном языке; speech — речь, язык). You are misnamed, Prince Corum (тебя неверно назвали, принц Корум). I see no robe (я не вижу плаща). In fact, I see no (более того, я не вижу; in fact — фактически, на самом деле; более того) …

Corum turned away (отвернулся).

`Do not mock me, Mabden (не смейся надо мной, /женщина/ мабденов; to mock — насмехаться, высмеивать; передразнивать). I am resolved to suffer no further at the hands of your kind (я не желаю больше терпеть /насмешки/ от твоего народа; to be resolved — твердо решиться; to suffer — страдать, терпеть; at the hand of — от руки; kind — сорт, разновидность, род).

beauty [`bjHtI] amused [q`mjHzd] tongue [tAN] resolved [rI`zOlvd]

`Greetings, she said. `I am Rhalina. Who are you, sir?

`I am Corum Jhaelen Irsei, he replied. Her beauty was not that of a Vadhagh, but it affected him none the less. `The Prince in the…

`- Scarlet Robe? She was plainly amused. `I speak the old Vadhagh tongue as well as the common speech. You are misnamed, Prince Corum. I see no robe. In fact, I see no…

Corum turned away.

`Do not mock me, Mabden. I am resolved to suffer no further at the hands of your kind.

She moved nearer (она подошла ближе).

`Forgive me (прости меня). Those who did this to you are not our kind (те, кто сделал это с тобой — не из нашего народа), though they be of the same race (хотя и /принадлежат/ к тому же виду). Have you never heard of Lywm-an-Esh (/разве/ ты никогда не слышал о Лиум-ан-Эш)?

His brow furrowed (он нахмурился; brow — бровь, лоб; выражение лица; to furrow — морщить; бороздить). The name of the land was familiar, but meant nothing (название земли было знакомым, но ничего не означало /для него/).

`Lywm-an-Esh, she continued (продолжила она), `is the name of the country from whence my people come (это название страны, из которой происходит мой народ). That people is an ancient one (этот народ древний) and has lived in Lywm-an-Esh since well before the Great Battles of the Vadhagh and the Nhadragh shook the Five Planes (и живет в Лиум-ан-Эш /очень давно/, /он появился/ задолго до того, как великие битвы вадагов с надрагами сотрясли Пять Плоскостей; well before — задолго до, значительно раньше чем; to shake) …

furrowed [`fArqud] country [`kAntrI] ancient [`eInS (q) nt]

She moved nearer.

`Forgive me. Those who did this to you are not our kind, though they be of the same race. Have you never heard of Lywm-an-Esh?

His brow furrowed. The name of the land was familiar, but meant nothing.

`Lywm-an-Esh, she continued, `is the name of the country from whence my people come. That people is an ancient one and has lived in Lywm-an-Esh since well before the Great Battles of the Vadhagh and the Nhadragh shook the Five Planes…

`You know of the Five Planes (ты знаешь о Пяти Плоскостях)?

`We once had seers who could look into them (у нас некогда были провидцы, которые могли заглядывать в них). Though their skills never matched those of the Old Folk — your folk (хотя их умения никогда не могли сравниться с искусством Древней Расы — твоей расы; skill — искусство, мастерство; умение, навык).

`How do you know so much of the Vadhagh (откуда ты знаешь так много о вадагах)?

`Though the sense of curiosity atrophied in the Vadhagh many centuries ago, ours did not (хотя чувство любознательности угасло в вадагах много веков назад, в нас же — нет = оно сохранилось; curiosity — любопытство, любознательность, пытливость; to atrophy — атрофироваться; истощаться), she said. `From time to time Nhadragh ships were wrecked on our shores (время от времени надрагские корабли терпели крушение у наших берегов) and, though the Nhadragh themselves vanished away (и, хотя сами надраги пропадали), books and tapestries and other artefacts were left behind (книги, гобелены и другие предметы культуры оставались; artefact — искусственный предмет, памятник материальной культуры; to leave behind — оставлять после себя; забывать). We learned to read those books and interpret those tapestries (мы научились читать те книги и понимать те гобелены; to interpret — объяснять, толковать; понимать). In those days, we had many scholars (в те дни у нас было много ученых).

curiosity [, kju (q) rI`OsItI] atrophied [`xtrqfId] scholar [`skOlq]

`You know of the Five Planes?

`We once had seers who could look into them. Though their skills never matched those of the Old Folk — your folk.

`How do you know so much of the Vadhagh?

`Though the sense of curiosity atrophied in the Vadhagh many centuries ago, ours did not, she said. `From time to time Nhadragh ships were wrecked on our shores and, though the Nhadragh themselves vanished away, books and tapestries and other artefacts were left behind. We learned to read those books and interpret those tapestries. In those days, we had many scholars.

`And now (а теперь)?

`Now, I do not know (теперь — не знаю). We receive little news from the mainland (мы получаем мало известий с материка).

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