SOLYONY. And I tell you that tcheremsha is an onion.

CHEBUTYKIN. What's the use of my arguing with you? You have never been to the Caucasus or eaten tchehartma.

SOLYONY. I haven't eaten it because I can't stand it. Tcheremsha smells like garlic.

ANDREY [imploringly]. That's enough! Please!

TUZENBAKH. When are the Carnival party coming?

IRINA. They promised to come at nine, so they will be here directly.

TUZENBAKH [embraces ANDREY and sings] . 'Oh my porch, oh my new porch . . .

ANDREY [dances and sings]. 'With posts of maple wood. . .

CHEBUTYKIN [dances]. 'And lattice work complete . . [laughter].

TUZENBAKH [kisses ANDREY]. Hang it all, let's have a drink. Andryusha, let's drink to our everlasting friendship. I'll go to the University in Moscow when you do, Andryusha.

SOLYONY. Which? There are two universities in Moscow.

ANDREY. There is only one university in Moscow.

SOLYONY. I tell you there are two.

ANDREY. There may be three for anything I care. So much the better.

SOLYONY. There are two universities in Moscow! [A murmur and hisses.] There are two universities in Moscow: the old one and the new one. And if you don't care to hear, if what I say irritates you, I can keep quiet. I can even go into another room [goes out at one of the doors].

TUZENBAKH. Bravo, bravo! [laughs] Ladies and gentlemen, let's begin, I'll sit down and play! Funny fellow that Solyony. . . . [Sits down to the piano and plays a waltz.]

MASHA [dances a waltz alone]. The baron is drunk, the baron is drunk, the baron is drunk.

[Enter NATASHA.]

NATASHA [to CHEBUTYKIN]. Ivan Romanitch! [Says something to CHEBUTYKIN, then goes out softly. CHEBUTYKIN touches TUZENBAKH on the shoulder and whispers something to him.]

IRINA. What is it?

CHEBUTYKIN. It's time we were going. Good night.

TUZENBAKH. Good night. It's time to be going.

IRINA. Excuse me. . . what about the Carnival party?

ANDREY [with embarrassment]. They won't be coming. You see, dear, Natasha says Bobik is not well, and so . . . In fact I know nothing about it, and don't care either.

IRINA [shrugs her shoulders]. Bobik isn't well!

MASHA. Well, it's not the first time we've had to lump it! If we're kicked out, we must go. [To IRINA] It's not Bobik that's ill, but she's a bit. . . [taps her forehead with her finger]. Petty, vulgar creature!

[ANDREY goes by door on right to his own room, CHEBUTYKIN following him; they are saying good-bye in the dining-room.]

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